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Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Whole country is mourning the deaths of innocent Pakistani citizens, police men on duty & political workers or Jiyalas of PPP !
It was mid night between 18 & 19 October when two blasts rocked and ended whole day’s jubilations and celebrations of PPP workers and supporters of Zulifiqar Ali Bhutto’s daughter & HIS cause. Country men has forgotten the corruption charges and inefficient governments of His daughter and second time in 21 years of this troubled and poorest country’s men women and children had welcomed her by creating new records of political rallies in Pakistan. Ms Bhutto was visibly happy, jubilant and moved on her welcome procession so she forgot threats to her life , which were being extensively propagated by Political allies of President Mushraf, since the time when she announced date to come back.
Pakistanis from all walks of life started pouring in to Karachi from every nook and corner of Pakistan on the morning of 18th October, Karachi witnessed its largest crowds ever , stretching and overstretching the main Sharah-e-Faisal avenue and its tributaries, She reached Karachi after nearly 08 year’s self exile, at about 2PM local time and procession started nearly 40 minutes after her arrival , whole city was on holiday and millions out poured on Sharah-e – Faisal to greet their leader, whole day there were dancing, singing and expression of happiness on people in Benazir’s procession and on her Leader’s faces.
Pakistan has under gone rapid change in last five years, Media was not so powerful when she left, now there are nearly 50 channels in local languages and English, The rapid reporting and live coverage has changed altogether socio-Political environment in Pakistan in past few years, Today the most important monitoring and accountability Factor in Pakistan is not opposition or Government’s departments or Public accounts committees but its Print and more than that Electronic Media. Government is not annoyed with Politicians but only with Media because 80% people are addicted to Tube and choice of channels available is wide, Media has started educating people of Pakistan on every countable issue, live debates, analysis and minute to minute coverage of events has created difference of opinion and people’s interest in Government’s and Opposition’s functions.
It started from 9 March 2007 and events after that give strong evidence that how deeply has Media penetrated in to Pakistani Psyche !! Media gives them choice to select from right and wrong by educating them, Media is not party but it’s a tool of information. Things are quite different Now and this process can not be reversed by any one !!!
Karachi carnage took away lives of 140 innocent Pakistanis…question is not that WHO did it??
Was it a Suicide Attack or Not? Lot has been written and speculated in print & electronic media in Past week after the killings.. Investigations are going on,Its for expert in field to decide,investigate and trace the culprits.
There is one thing clear that we are being sucked in to a whirlpool of terror & Terrorism and the road is leading us to an ultimate doom!!!
Who ever did it, was not enemy of Benazir or PPP but he is enemy of whole nation……these blasts were carefully crafted and meticulously executed , what I feel is that BB was not their only target ! Target was Pakistan, certainly a group of people is trying to hold this nation a hostage to terrorism, they want us to get frighten so that No body comes out of their homes, No Political procession or gatherings should be held any where in Pakistan, none of the leaders can dare to come out and go to their voters for facing the electors, their campaign, if any should be limited to indoor drawing room politics and nation should be derailed from process of attaining full democracy.
If we get their message & get terrorized, than they will come out openly Do what ever they want and kill every one who opposes them, they will destroy our National fabric beyond recognition in a few months time, they will close all girls schools,colleges and universities and do what they are doing in swat or in parts of fata.
I am happy what I have felt after the blasts, that not only Political leaders but common men, women and even children are not frightened but they are mourning with a visible anguish on their faces, whole nation including all sensible political players are mourning , the most sensible statement came from BB it self, when she talked about national reconciliation among all political parties, civil and military beaurocrasy , civic organizations and common men to rise above personal and political bias , she called to end personal animosity on the basis of political or ideological differences.
Whole world has condemned the attacks, including calls from presidents and prime minister’s of many countries, nearly whole Pakistani political leaders called BB and her lieutenants for condolences and UN security counsel passed a resolution and directed member countries to help Pakistan in investigations of the Karachi carnage but unfortunately there are people in our politics who are taking advantage of the situation out of their personal bias against BB & PPP, I feel pity on their character , what ever may be our political differences Karachi tragedy is a national tragedy and most heinous of the crimes committed against humanity , every body killed & wounded was a Pakistani citizen their loss is our loss, its not loss of a party or an individual its loss of whole Pakistan,I can not imagine what would have been the result if attackers should have succeeded in their ugly plan, it was not BB who was going to die alone, whole leader ship of Pakistan Peoples Party was on that vehicle and should have died and god forbid I can not imagine what shape Pakistan would have taken after that. Sindh and most of Pakistanis believe Zulifkar Ali Bhutto as their leader, even two decades after his death and people have never forgot him and at the same time never forgiven his killers, its only ZAB who has kept his daughter alive in our politics, even after two time failures in government and a long line of corruption charges on her self and her spouse.
These are defining movements in our history , when we are slowly inching towards real democracy , cases in supreme court may take any shape but one thing is sure if we stand united and keep pressing towards democratic path we are going to achieve it sooner than later and only democracy is a procedure which will give us a respectable place in community of nations and only by the means of real democracy and freedom to live in what ever manner one wants to , will certainly put us on the path on progress

Thursday, September 27, 2007


Living in Islamabad was infact a pleasure and previlage in Pakistan, I love my choice, although people like me can not own a House in Islamabad for next two three centuries , even than it has been a pleasure for me , since 1988 to date, tried to leave this city two or three times but could not remain away for a long time and have to return to my city of joy.
I love its peace and tranquil environ, life seems at ease in Islamabad The Beautiful. People like me will accept my point of view that since last year or less than that ,since March 2007 this city has lost its peace full face, now every other day suicide bombing is in fashion, it has been risky to go to public places, weekly bazaars and Parks, more than militants an extremely unpopular Government is trying to prolong its not so nice rule in this country and in their foolish desperation they have make them selves a Joke!
Their joke of security situations has made our lives miserable on streets of twin cities.
Only today on 27th September, when our enlightened QABZA group President is going to Election Commission for filing of nomination papers whole city of Islamabad is in grip of fear, I saw hundreds of school children , office employees of government and civil bodies walking by foot in FASTING crossing to & from Islamabad & Pindi!!! Who was going to snatch his nomination papers these innocent school children or helpless and fasting employees and citizens of both cities.
In past 20 years of my Islamabad citizenship , I have not seen government servants hating their own establishment so much that , most of the citizens are always talking politics.
Since 9th March, 12thMay and 10th September a lot of water has gone out of our government’s most of thin legitimacy claims , President claims to be honest and man of Principles but he himself has broken all his towering claims about every thing he talked and defied in last 8 years , He and his bunch of faceless cronies have done every thing shameless in the book of ethics and latest was today !!
Before today on 10th September , he broke all records of decency and finesse of human dignity by deporting and humiliating Mr. Nawaz Sharif , he was not only degraded but tortured too b Elite forces on Airport and every order was coming from President house itself , like same orders on 12th May carnage in Karachi.
For People of Pindi, Islamabad and adjoining areas it has been norm of the day that Police places Tankers, truks and sand on the roads leading to Islamabad so that no one could reach Islamabad and President could claim proudly that People are not supporting opposition !!!
There is a proverb about dictators that when they loose popular support they create an aura of it in his surroundings, same is case with this commando , he has locked all norms of decency in his closet, life of common men was never so miserable what seems today, corruption is rampant at every stage of good governance and most of the people can not live decently from what ever their means of earnings are.. Pakistan is in state of chaos except from members of Q-league, high officials and hundreds of cabinet members and 1% elite of country, there is civil war in Fata and writ of government is lost in FATA and adjoining areas of FATA, upto SWAT , we have witnessed carnage of LAL MOSQUE and suicide bombing at will in side sensitive and combed areas of highest security zones does the failure of government has any other means to prove !!!
It seems Musharaf will leave hard way and when finally he will go he will leave permanent scars on our nation’s mind and body for sure.!!
What makes me sad is my city will loose its beauty for ever….
Silent sufi..

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Banana Republic & Monkey Business


It seems a bunch of monkeys ARE ruling Pakistan (infect has been ruling most of its time!) it is monkeys mood swings which are never predictable, he can be laughing at one moment and running with a dagger to kill some one the very next time.
There is no doubt in it that we are a BANANA republic , when I was a child I use to think that Banana republics are those which produce a lot of Bananas like south American states and Far eastern states, we also produce world’s best Bananas in Sindh….! But with growing of conscious I know that not due to Sindh’s tasty Bananas but due to our Armed commandos we are a Genuine Banana republic, as we are always in sea of problems and prone to or occupied by Monkeys ! and those unpredictable Monkeys can do any thing they are able to kill 80 year old politician on personal hatred , they can serve exile terms and enforce it contempting any court of LAW.
They have no respect for any rule and bear no principles,.
They claim morality lessons for others and have no moral obligations attached. I will add to definitions of banana republics that it is always ruled by Monkeys!!
Three days back what happened on Islamabad Airport was confirmation of the fact that we are all cowards and till we do not acquire human habits we should call our selves Monkeys….!
Nawaz sharif is not a Good man him self but he does not deserve the treatment he was given by government on his arrival, that only confirms the fact that we are not only coward but our whole system is in the hands of monkeys.
President is having personal hatred against Nawaz and he was afraid that if he will come people will storm Islamabad & same mis calculation about his popularity was in the mind of ex-PM but what he did not realized, was the fact that he was leader of a coward nation so he was shocked at the reaction of government and his party and People!!!
Same happened to ZA. BHUTTO in same city of Monkeys and cowards, he had euphoria that people will run havoc to ZIA if he dared to touch him, but in the end he was hanged in a false case & doubtful judgment given by Apex courts of Pakistan !!!!
He was more dashing and aristocratic than Mr. Nawaz , his daughter has learned the formulae to live with monkeys by being openly coward, she does say that “Power rests with People” but doesn’t believe in her lines , she is all set to sit with dictators and bypass people’s verdicts!!!!
Mr. Sharif committed a blunder by requesting and having signed a deal of exile for 10 years if he was allowed to leave country with whole family. Now his deal is a living curse on him, he showed no character as a national leader when he went away from his workers , he kept denying the facts for seven years from his supporters , now suddenly he tried to clarify his position just before leaving from London to Islamabad !!!
Newton said in third Law of gravity that each “action has equal and opposite reaction” so what he sowed he has to face it on his arrival , cunning ness is met with equal and opposite show of coward ness from his supporters by opting to remain home and Government which immediately sensed that no one is going to react except few , packed him back to Jeddah Palace, where he will remain for next three years to complete his term in a golden cage…!
He was seen crying but he should remember that he did it for him self and we are coward nation ruled Monkeys, We did what monkeys do. That is why it is called Monkey business…

Silent sufi .

Monkey Business & Banana republic of Pakistan


It seems a bunch of monkeys ARE ruling Pakistan (infect has been ruling most of its time!) it is monkeys mood swings which are never predictable, he can be laughing at one moment and running with a dagger to kill some one the very next time.There is no doubt in it that we are a BANANA republic , when I was a child I use to think that Banana republics are those which produce a lot of Bananas like south American states and Far eastern states, we also produce world’s best Bananas in Sindh….! But with growing of conscious I know that not due to Sindh’s tasty Bananas but due to our Armed commandos we are a Genuine Banana republic, as we are always in sea of problems and prone to or occupied by Monkeys ! and those unpredictable Monkeys can do any thing they are able to kill 80 year old politician on personal hatred , they can serve exile terms and enforce it contempting any court of LAW.They have no respect for any rule and bear no principles,.They claim morality lessons for others and have no moral obligations attached. I will add to definitions of banana republics that it is always ruled by Monkeys!!Three days back what happened on Islamabad Airport was confirmation of the fact that we are all cowards and till we do not acquire human habits we should call our selves Monkeys….!Nawaz sharif is not a Good man him self but he does not deserve the treatment he was given by government on his arrival, that only confirms the fact that we are not only coward but our whole system is in the hands of monkeys.President is having personal hatred against Nawaz and he was afraid that if he will come people will storm Islamabad & same mis calculation about his popularity was in the mind of ex-PM but what he did not realized, was the fact that he was leader of a coward nation so he was shocked at the reaction of government and his party and People!!! Same happened to ZA. BHUTTO in same city of Monkeys and cowards, he had euphoria that people will run havoc to ZIA if he dared to touch him, but in the end he was hanged in a false case & doubtful judgment given by Apex courts of Pakistan !!!!He was more dashing and aristocratic than Mr. Nawaz , his daughter has learned the formulae to live with monkeys by being openly coward, she does say that “Power rests with People” but doesn’t believe in her lines , she is all set to sit with dictators and bypass people’s verdicts!!!!Mr. Sharif committed a blunder by requesting and having signed a deal of exile for 10 years if he was allowed to leave country with whole family. Now his deal is a living curse on him, he showed no character as a national leader when he went away from his workers , he kept denying the facts for seven years from his supporters , now suddenly he tried to clarify his position just before leaving from London to Islamabad !!!Newton said in third Law of gravity that each “action has equal and opposite reaction” so what he sowed he has to face it on his arrival , cunning ness is met with equal and opposite show of coward ness from his supporters by opting to remain home and Government which immediately sensed that no one is going to react except few , packed him back to Jeddah Palace, where he will remain for next three years to complete his term in a golden cage…!He was seen crying but he should remember that he did it for him self and we are coward nation ruled Monkeys, We did what monkeys do. That is why it is called Monkey business…!
Mr sharif should not cry on his fate he has done himself a deal with saudi's and even today he is living a royal life in Jeddah while 1000s of innocent people are missing with out a trace and their kids anfd families have no idea they are alive or dead in some dungeon of our fearsome agencies.....God knows better, atleast Mr.Sharif was sent to saudi Arabia in a Plane on government cost...
his concern for being a Prime Minister again and eat Koftas, Phajjay k Paye, Lassi with Hareesa and Makai di roti tay sarsoan da saag at the road side vendors in Heera mandi is off course badly bruised....! he has to wait for some time now but you never know what comes with tomoro...! what I see a black future for Pakistan at least for time being... Silent sufi .

Monday, August 20, 2007

Kidney Trade
Pakistan is World Leader

We have lost the thin line between Ethical and non Ethical, at every step and corner of our lives. Every one among us wants to earn billions and that too in shortest possible time and way. We kill for money, even officially we killed many people just to get 5000USD for one killed or captured Al-Qaida or Taliban activist, many a innocent people has been killed or given to US forces of terror just to please our masters , Our Army is called Bounty Hunters in international circles, Pakistan is largest contributor of forces for UN Peace mission , sole motive is money for sending forces every where in world. Our Politicians have no Ideological farces they can change loyalties more faster than our President changes his stand!
Our Politicians once in Power, there only motive is to show their powers and earn as much dollars as he or she can, they are masters of white collar crimes & untouchables. General public does what their superiors do, every one at his stature is more corrupt than his predecessor!!
Medical Profession is one of the most noble of all professions, our doctors has turned it into most ugliest of all trades (Personally I do not think it as profession, it is a service, Art and religion for me & few others with same inborn error, for us it is motorway to NIRVANA.) every other Dr is mal practicing one way or other , getting commissions from laboratories and adjacent Medical stores, Prescribing un due medicines and spreading Hepatitis, just to earn more money and rise their Financialstatus.
Now since last decade or two, we have earned our reputation as ORGAN TRADERS, and with grace of god and our inclination to every thing bad, we are among top few illegal trade centers of the world!
Pakistan is among five top illegal Kidney suppliers, Doctors in this business are billionaires, they are untouchables and fairly practicing angles like Dr. Adeeb ul Hassan Rizvi has no say when they want to formulate a bill on Organ trade, because Government wants to legalize the trade not banning it on strict terms. They want to BAN on selling on the face but there will be no restriction on DONATIONS!!
A debit ridden peasant will donate kidney to huge Arab Sheikh from oil rich Gulf state or from America a GORA sahib will come to Pakistan after deal is matured on internet or through middle man which is mostly a Doctor working as agent in Middle east or in States or European country, the deal pays them handsomely while donor is paid just 20 to 50 thousand Pakistani notes.
A village near Lahore called Sultan Pura has almost its all adults males sold their one kidney! There are cases of organ theft in private hospitals, patients admitted with one problem or accidents with some internal bleeding or even appendicitis are later come to know that some one has taken out their kidneys while operating for one thing or other.
There are cases of one going to some big city for some job and is lured by a woman , person takes her to hotel or goes to her place where he is drugged in drinks and when wakes up he found his kidney removed.
We are at our lowest ebb of ethics as doctors and as a society, Organ transplant bill is postponed again for reasons better known to government since last Ten years!
Dr Adib Ul Hassan Rizvi the known transplant surgeon of SIUT is vocal against governmental bill to curb organ transplantation which he says will open a legal avenues for illegal transplantation, which is a nearly 1 Billion rupees industry now a days. At least we are doing weekly 50 transplants in Lahore, Rawalpindi, Karachi and on average yearly 2000 transplants are being done in our country!! Out of which about 500 are legal and kidneys mostly donated by blood relatives!! Remaining 1500- 2000 are done illegal and donor is paid 20 to 50 thousand and most of the donors remain at loss and could not achieve what they dream after selling their Kidneys!! To pay debit or get free from bonded labor at farms or brick kilns wide spread in Punjab, this menace is yet not spread in sindh and Baluchistan where poverty is more severe than Punjab.
Pakistan seems to get popularity and progress in all things unethical and BAD, there is a powerful lobby which is resisting bill against organ trade even if it is tabled in assemblies it will be deformed enough to accommodate illegal trade and legalize it !!!
There is huge rackets involved in this trade and has direct involvement of retired Army generals mostly doctors. One of them is doing weekly 5 to 10 transplant right near the house of COAS in Rawalpindi and has agents all over the world and on internet, these agents are paid handsomely than Donors!! The Dr is untouchable because he is from forces and no one can question his ethics.
I have only mentioned about Kidney Transplantation but China ,Indonesia are already in business of Liver Transplant too , may be we will soon get involved in this type of Transplantation too, why these people come to Pakistan from at least 20 countries of World from Mid-east to north America? Answer is simple we have our agents there and cost of transplant is very high 40 to 50 thousand $ in these countries or donations from Blood relatives , which is only way to do it ethically from living relatives, or wait for cadaver donors, for that type of donations there is huge list of waiting people on dialysis, Going to Pakistan , India, China, Indonesia is very easy and cheap solution, they pay 10 to 20 thousand $ for whole business and go home healthy, they have no concern how they got it because they pay for it, like paying for a designer suit !!
Just today one jobless person’s story is surfaced in a paper who was robbed off his kidney for 1Million Rupees, in a Rawalpindi Cantt hospital by a Private surgeon, hospital belongs to a Rtd. General donor was paid 1Lac after operation and relieved from hospital in three days! Than no further money was given and an ASI of Police robbed him of his payment and poor man is with out a penny he lost his kidney in free, there are hundred of such stories if investigated when donors are given nothing or peanuts after his kidney is taken out.
Supreme Court and civil society should react strongly to curb this practice and cancel the Licenses of such Doctors who practice illegal kidney Transplantation!!
Transplant tourists must be discourage by society and these Doctors must be declared social out casts, we are earning bad names due to very few people, who think money is answer to all ills , they have already earned billions in this illegal trade and many more are joining this illegal and un ethical and un Islamic trade..if the things remain same soon we will be celebrating an other ”VISIT – PAKISTAN Year “ for transplant tourism and Government will organize Organ Bazaars like Sunday Bazaars to sell Kidneys, Liver, Lungs, Skin, Cornea and may be small infants as eating delicacy!!!!!!
Our Export Promotion Bureau will be organizing “Human Organ Trade Fairs” at potential buyers countries and run promotion campaigns on the grounds that our Kidneys and livers are best in world!! Don’t go for Indian or Chinese Kidney because ours is a Best one ! May God should show us Light……!! Silent Sufi.
as Ghalib Said " le aain gay bazaar se
Ja kar dil -o-Jaan Aur.
Kidney Trade
Pakistan is World Leader

We have lost the thin line between Ethical and non Ethical, at every step and corner of our lives. Every one among us wants to earn billions and that too in shortest possible time and way. We kill for money, even officially we killed many people just to get 5000USD for one killed or captured Al-Qaida or Taliban activist, many a innocent people has been killed or given to US forces of terror just to please our masters , Our Army is called Bounty Hunters in international circles, Pakistan is largest contributor of forces for UN Peace mission , sole motive is money for sending forces every where in world. Our Politicians have no Ideological farces they can change loyalties more faster than our President changes his stand!
Our Politicians once in Power, there only motive is to show their powers and earn as much dollars as he or she can, they are masters of white collar crimes & untouchables. General public does what their superiors do, every one at his stature is more corrupt than his predecessor!!
Medical Profession is one of the most noble of all professions, our doctors has turned it into most ugliest of all trades (Personally I do not think it as profession, it is a service, Art and religion for me & few others with same inborn error, for us it is motorway to NIRVANA.) every other Dr is mal practicing one way or other , getting commissions from laboratories and adjacent Medical stores, Prescribing un due medicines and spreading Hepatitis, just to earn more money and rise their Financialstatus.
Now since last decade or two, we have earned our reputation as ORGAN TRADERS, and with grace of god and our inclination to every thing bad, we are among top few illegal trade centers of the world!
Pakistan is among five top illegal Kidney suppliers, Doctors in this business are billionaires, they are untouchables and fairly practicing angles like Dr. Adeeb ul Hassan Rizvi has no say when they want to formulate a bill on Organ trade, because Government wants to legalize the trade not banning it on strict terms. They want to BAN on selling on the face but there will be no restriction on DONATIONS!!
A debit ridden peasant will donate kidney to huge Arab Sheikh from oil rich Gulf state or from America a GORA sahib will come to Pakistan after deal is matured on internet or through middle man which is mostly a Doctor working as agent in Middle east or in States or European country, the deal pays them handsomely while donor is paid just 20 to 50 thousand Pakistani notes.
A village near Lahore called Sultan Pura has almost its all adults males sold their one kidney! There are cases of organ theft in private hospitals, patients admitted with one problem or accidents with some internal bleeding or even appendicitis are later come to know that some one has taken out their kidneys while operating for one thing or other.
There are cases of one going to some big city for some job and is lured by a woman , person takes her to hotel or goes to her place where he is drugged in drinks and when wakes up he found his kidney removed.
We are at our lowest ebb of ethics as doctors and as a society, Organ transplant bill is postponed again for reasons better known to government since last Ten years!
Dr Adib Ul Hassan Rizvi the known transplant surgeon of SIUT is vocal against governmental bill to curb organ transplantation which he says will open a legal avenues for illegal transplantation, which is a nearly 1 Billion rupees industry now a days. At least we are doing weekly 50 transplants in Lahore, Rawalpindi, Karachi and on average yearly 2000 transplants are being done in our country!! Out of which about 500 are legal and kidneys mostly donated by blood relatives!! Remaining 1500- 2000 are done illegal and donor is paid 20 to 50 thousand and most of the donors remain at loss and could not achieve what they dream after selling their Kidneys!! To pay debit or get free from bonded labor at farms or brick kilns wide spread in Punjab, this menace is yet not spread in sindh and Baluchistan where poverty is more severe than Punjab.
Pakistan seems to get popularity and progress in all things unethical and BAD, there is a powerful lobby which is resisting bill against organ trade even if it is tabled in assemblies it will be deformed enough to accommodate illegal trade and legalize it !!!
There is huge rackets involved in this trade and has direct involvement of retired Army generals mostly doctors. One of them is doing weekly 5 to 10 transplant right near the house of COAS in Rawalpindi and has agents all over the world and on internet, these agents are paid handsomely than Donors!! The Dr is untouchable because he is from forces and no one can question his ethics.
I have only mentioned about Kidney Transplantation but China ,Indonesia are already in business of Liver Transplant too , may be we will soon get involved in this type of Transplantation too, why these people come to Pakistan from at least 20 countries of World from Mid-east to north America? Answer is simple we have our agents there and cost of transplant is very high 40 to 50 thousand $ in these countries or donations from Blood relatives , which is only way to do it ethically from living relatives, or wait for cadaver donors, for that type of donations there is huge list of waiting people on dialysis, Going to Pakistan , India, China, Indonesia is very easy and cheap solution, they pay 10 to 20 thousand $ for whole business and go home healthy, they have no concern how they got it because they pay for it, like paying for a designer suit !!
Just today one jobless person’s story is surfaced in a paper who was robbed off his kidney for 1Million Rupees, in a Rawalpindi Cantt hospital by a Private surgeon, hospital belongs to a Rtd. General donor was paid 1Lac after operation and relieved from hospital in three days! Than no further money was given and an ASI of Police robbed him of his payment and poor man is with out a penny he lost his kidney in free, there are hundred of such stories if investigated when donors are given nothing or peanuts after his kidney is taken out.
Supreme Court and civil society should react strongly to curb this practice and cancel the Licenses of such Doctors who practice illegal kidney Transplantation!!
Transplant tourists must be discourage by society and these Doctors must be declared social out casts, we are earning bad names due to very few people, who think money is answer to all ills , they have already earned billions in this illegal trade and many more are joining this illegal and un ethical and un Islamic trade..if the things remain same soon we will be celebrating an other ”VISIT – PAKISTAN Year “ for transplant tourism and Government will organize Organ Bazaars like Sunday Bazaars to sell Kidneys, Liver, Lungs, Skin, Cornea and may be small infants as eating delicacy!!!!!!
Our Export Promotion Bureau will be organizing “Human Organ Trade Fairs” at potential buyers countries and run promotion campaigns on the grounds that our Kidneys and livers are best in world!! Don’t go for Indian or Chinese Kidney because ours is a Best one ! May God should show us Light……!! Silent Sufi.

as Ghalib Said " le aain gay bazaar se

Ja kar dil -o-Jaan Aur.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Wednesday, August 08, 2007


IF PPP’S CHAIR PERSON Mrs. BeNazir Bhutto’s Petition is accepted to be heard by new born supreme judiciary of Pakistan than it is certain that a verdict in favor of political parties to establish and work in side FATA jurisdictions will be given because already political – religious parties are working inside FATA , they6 had their presence since long in Madersahs & masjids of the area . JUI (F) & Jamait Islami of Qazi Hussain Ahmed have their elected members from that areas, which give these parties un due edge over other parties in political arena of Pakistan.
FATA areas have come long way from 18076 AD & 1901 when these areas and NWFP was created by than viceroy of INDIA lord Curzon , by separating than Punjab province ‘s areas adjacent to Afghanistan and baluchistan.
For readers interested in history here is short glimpse in to history of this region.
Fedrally administered Tribal areas or as we all know by FATA as its acronym, is region in Pakistan sandwiched between and around Pakistan’s North western frontier province and Afghanistan, its population is about 3,341,070 according to 2003 ,UN surveys, population density is about 115.3 Km2, area is about 27,220 Km2, these are seven area who has status of Tribal areas or (FATA), these areas are divided among 7 districts or areas called :
Six out of 7 Agencies have frontiers with Afghanistan only Orakzai-Agency has no land link with Afghanistan.Bajaur Agency
2. Mohmand Agency.
3. Khyber Agency.
4. Orakzai Agency.
5. Kurram Agency.
6. South waziristan Agency.
7. Noth waziristan Agency.
There are five Frontier regions adjacent to Tribal areas called FRs, they are Peshawar FR, Kohat Fr, FR Bannu, FR dera Ismail Khan & FR Tank. They are governed by Governer of NWFP who is nominee of Ferderal government of Pakistan.
The area remains important link between central and south Asia , any one coming to India has passed the Khyber Pass and has to deal with tribes of Khyber may it be Aryans, Huns, Greeks , Arghons, Takhans, Mughals, Abdals, Durranis, Sikhs or English !!
We will review the recent past of the Area , when English started First great game in south and central Asia due to Economic and geo political reasons, in early 19th century almost whole India was under their belt except Sindh, Baluchistan, Now NWFP belt, north west belt and Punjab was under Sikh ruler Ranjeet singh, Sindh and Baluchistan were under Kabul nominally Sindh was a free country under Meer Talpurs of Sindh and baluchistan under their Sardars.
Sindh was annexed in 1843 and Punjab in 1849 finally when they faced humiliation in First Anglo- Afghan Wars, just to ensure their constant access to Kabul and safe passages to their troops to Afghanistan and through them to Central Asia what they got was more than that as areas were rich in agricultural potential.
The wily Britain, became aware of the Tribal temperament of our now tribal belt and realizing their fierce love for independence , did very little to curb them, they just keep them under few obligations and mostly allowed them to rule them selves than a representative administration from centre, just to keep terrain leading to Kabul open., British wanted to keep that terrain open and to use tribal people as buffer against any Afghan invasion from that side.
Tribal area emerged as specially governed area with in North West Frontier Region, which was carved out of undivided colonial province of Punjab on November 9, 1901, by Lord. Curzon, the than Governor General of INDIA for administrative convenience, British decision to carve out a separate province of NWFP was based on realizations that it was difficult to exercise more rigid control administratively over that area than to other areas in INDIA. British officials guided Lord Curzon that due to distance from capital city of Punjab Lahore it is difficult to control these areas effectively . British believed that new province with its Capital in Peshawar could effectively subdue the rebellious Pashtunes through carrot & stick policy of “Gora Sahibans”.
In fact truth is that Governor General Lord Lytton (1876-80) has a dream to “March on Tashkent” and so a plan to institute a new province in frontier belt of India’s North western frontier regions of Peshawar and Baluchistan, answerable directly to central Government of India. Lord Lytton could not materialize his plans but Lord Curzon acted upon already researched and recommended plan to make a new province, Lord Curzon (1899-1905) for that purpose visited Peshawar in the spring of 1901. He held a series of meetings with local elders and leaders that culminated to make this province called NWFP, it was also decided that new province will have two categories of territories , which were to be administered separately : the settled Areas comprising the districts of Hazara , Peshawar, Kohat, Bannu and Dera Ismail Khan and the Tribal areas comprising the districts of Political agencies of Khyber( established in 1879), the Kurram (1892) and the Malakand Division (1895) which comprises the areas of Dir, Swat and Chitral, at the same time agencies of North and South Waziristan were also created.
So NWFP comprised Settled areas and Non Settled or Tribal areas with two different sets of administrations. This term was also from British legacy , they called areas Settled because of their administration ease and non settled due to their administrative difficulties, settled Areas accepted writ of government and agreed to pay taxes while non settled areas kept their honor (NANG) and refuse to pay any Taxes to government and preferred to keep their independence. The former was called (QALANG) as Syed Akbar S. Ahmed a renowned Anthropologist of INDIA says.
When British took Punjab in 1849 they have to make to devise a new set of governance in Northwestern frontier which had a predominant tribal population. The territory was initially put under direct control of Board of Administration at Lahore and raised to a Division status, under a Commissioner, in 1850. the areas specified in this arrangement were districts of Peshawar, Kohat and Hazara, each had a Deputy commissioner. Bannu and Dera Ismail khan were not in that arrangement, they were part of Leyahh Division of Punjab at that time.
Even with deputy commissioners at these districts British found it hard to contain warring pashtune tribes’ men. When NWFP as province was established in 1901, British made a two tier system of administration for the province one dealing with settled areas which were under Chief Commissioner and other for tribal areas under the Governor General through the same authority, Peshawar was natural choice for both area’s head quarter , placed directly under supervision of Foreign department of government of India. Malakand agency since placed under NWFP, remained a provincial subject while those located with the border of Afghanistan (Durand Line- 1893) become part of Indian foreign affairs and treated a central government ‘s issue.
NWFP administration was different than in rest of India, British took care not to disturb the existing tribal systems in both areas of frontier and infact did every thing to to ensure perpetuation of the highly iniquitous feudal system obtaining in the areas, for instance khans in settled areas and Maliks in tribal areas become power colonial instruments of state administration. As in the British principalities, the landed gentry in settled areas became power full instrument of revenue collection, maintenance of Law & order and spreading European traditions in few cities of new province. Urban administration was garrisoned by the Army, stationed in cantonments of few urban Centers, Apart from this a small but brutal police force was established and placed in small & scattered police stations mostly in urban areas, People in rural areas were controlled through the Jirga system under the local administration. The Khans were patronized through by the British government and Titles of Khan Bahadur, Nawab, Knight Hood and even cadre services were awarded to to them and their sons and scions to ensure their loyalties to colonial authorities.The Khans maintained liaisons with local authorities and even collected information on their behalf on important matters for government.
The Maliks were installed as the counter part of Khans in Tribal areas , they extended same services to Political agents who in turn extended government’s honors, courtesies, and favors to men and tribes of their choices. Political agent was government’s representative in areas with vast and kingly powers at his disposal, he was all power full to maintain law and order in his agency or area. Comparison to officers any where else in India.
Maliks, Tribes and individuals were even helped monetarily to keep them sincere with RAJ. they were responsible for maintaining security infra structure in their areas & helped to maintain peace in their areas.
The British administration in NWFP operated in three forms, First The Civil administration dealing with day to day administration and policy matters, maintenance of peace and general administration, took priority over other services, this was looked after initially by Chief Commissioner and later by Governor, assisted by a ladder of Civil and Military beaurocrasy.
The second in order was the Criminal affairs, initially controlled by judicial commissioner, and later on by High court and Civil courts at lower side. The Third in order was Fiscal Side which was dealt by the revenue commissioner whose collection during colonial raj was limited to income from agricultural products, excise and few other duties that also in settled areas of NWFP.
The Judicial administration devised a special rule for governing NWFP – The Frontier Crimes Regulations in 1872. The FCR was periodically revised as and when the need arose. First in 1887,than in 1901 to cope with changing requirement. It limited the powers of Judiciary and empowered Deputy Commissioner and Political agents, they also had powers to institute a Jirga, comprising a few elders nominated and presided over by DC or PA them selves to adjudicate any civil or criminal nature cases, its jurisdiction extended to Pathans and Baluchis of Settled and Tribal areas in NWFP & Baluchistan.
The nature of cases referred to Jirga mostly were of imperial concern to justify coercive exercise against a tribe or an individual who posed or was likely to pose administrative problems for state, it also served as penal code in many tribal feuds, murders, violation of tribal customs, debts, claims, matrimonial or land disputes, etc in this difficult area.
The British tried to hold effective control at that area which was corridor to Central Asia which was centre of the game for English minds, they tried to enforce control over tribal belt on the south east side of the DURAND–LINE, Thus the British created a new Military force comprising roughly one third of local tribes men with different names like Levy, Khasadars, Scouts, Militias, Rifles etc etc, Militia was Frontier constabulary later on. These forces were stationed in garrisons in and around each agency Headquarters, like garrisons were established at Shagai for Khyber agency, at Miramshah for North Waziristan, Wana for South waziristan, Malakand, Khar for Bajaur Agency, Parachinar for Kurram agency and Shabqadar for Mohmand Agency.
Mostly British Army officers from Indian Army led these forces, except the Frontier constabulary which was established later than these forces but received officers from Police as a policy, The two third men for these levies were imported from Indian regiments. Wana & Razmak were later on became regular cantonments of Indian army.
People of North west frontier regions of British India never welcomed these changes and even creation of new province of NWFP and various dissectory measures by British to make newer regions, agencies , Divisions and districts were largely un welcomed.
Hindues were an elite class in those regions, they had education, business and liaisons with authorities, they were urban elite of Frontiers they did not liked separation from Punjab , they wanted merger with it instead. Many in Hazara and Dera Ismail Khan were also against the decision. The Muslim leader ship in Frontiers were traditionally averse and against any decisions taken by British. Even today many bemoan against the British who Draw many lines on Pashtun Lands and divided them in to NWFP, Baluchistan, Tribal Agencies and above all “Durand-Line” , even today when I was writing these lines President Hamid Karazai of Afghanistan was talking against Durand Line(1893 -2007) , which is now international border between Pakistan and Afghanistan , he was telling his views to international news men that Pashtunes have never accepted this line as Dividing line among Pashtunes of both sides, they are against such boundaries!!
One the one hand he speaks against such lines and on other hand he cries on insurgency from other side of the line.



Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Hats off to Government.

· From 9th March to 20th July when final short order of larger bench of apex court under the leader ship of Justice ramday set a side a reference against defunct CJ Mr. Iftekhar Muhammed chaudhary & rooled back history to 9th March when a “Badmast” BULL called president has bullied the CJof Pakistan to put a final nail in the coffin of last straw in his way called judiciary but what went on after this is called a history.
· It is only chance in last 60 years when we can finally get rid off Army intervention in Civil affairs if our power hungry politicians are able to read this historic opportunity and can cash on popular movement which lawyers have provided with un broken agitation to them.
· It seems apex court remained divided on the issue out of 13 judges in larger bench three differed on opinion to referring authority’s powers to curb the CJ.
· Before that 03 senior most judges sat on judicial counsel’s bench and validated Presidential refrence including acting cjeif justices of Pakistan, they took oath of seat and ran cases including against their own chief.
· Only one judge Mr. Justice Falak Sher Khan remained neutral for opting out of both benches, so he is only Judge who can be called neutral.
· Cost of Presidential mis adventure is astronomical for common man who is purchasing Flour 22 Rs. A Kilo, and dying a dozen a dime on our streets, masjids and madderssahs.
· Cost of life of a Pakistani is less than a Paisa and President’s Joke with judiciary costs us about 500 million Rs that are said to be paid to Mr. Shareef ul din Peerzada has been paid in excess of 380 millions and an other one who faced media and TV channel debates with shame on his face during the trial got more than 230 millions as reports a weekly from Islamabad in its current issue.
· It is interesting to note Man who is already Advisor to Prime Minister means on Government’s pay role and enjoying all perks as Minister is again given 380 millions of Tax payer’s money before that same Minister has charged one million dollar from government in steel mills case.
· During the case of Chief Justice he spent only two hours in front of bench for his arguments in support of his clients and both times they lost!!!!!!
· People are happy that CJ is restored so am I but at what PRICE !!
· The cost is only for two main advocates but the cost of other half a dozen advocates, time and cost spent by law ministry, intelligence agencies in collecting personally humiliating materials from Judges houses, loss of property and lives during 12 May and 17July carnages and cost of Lal Mosque Drama which also went out of hands is beyond one’s comprehension.
· Whole loss may be in billions of rupees in a sensible Nation and all who staged it should have been accountable by loosing jobs and facing billions of dollars in defamation suits, Rest their remaining lives in a prison cell !!
· But we are Pakistan where rulers are never doing wrong and if they are from FORCE they are untouchables , they can kill 5 million Bengalis and rape an other 5 million girls in East Pakistan to force them to ask and gain Liberation from West Pakistan so that they should have limited area to manage but it seems they are unable to hold that limited area too and want to limit their land to one Province only.
· Politicians are not only corrupt and mean, they are parasites on this nation’s conscious, the most liberal of politicians is crying to sit in a General’s lap and wants to help him in his dying moments while he has lost credibility and respect in the eyes of nation and making round about on his all promises and principles, it’s a curse on our nation and politicians if we don’t sense Golden opportunity out of blues came to us with a single decision of supereme court.
· Mr. Nawaz Sharif & Imran Khan are too most lovable person’s in current leader ship who can sense this and want to do this once and for all to boot out intruders from our Politics but MMA & PPP have shame on them they want to play both sides of the coin and MS BHUTTO wants to throw in gutters the movement his party leaders and workers are running and facing wrath of government since last 8 years.
· It is very strange that lady is so myopic that she can not see the opportunity she has got in the working against the regime than to join it by deal through back door. She is sacrificing his whole career by supplying ventilation to a brain dead rat.
· By doing so she is forgetting this is not same Pakistan she got most popular votes, each Pakistani has traveled 8 years in evolution, this is first time I am sensing and witnessing hatred in NWFP & Punjab against rule of Army and Army’s involvement in civil business and majority of them want to get rid of them once and for all but strange is the science of BB’s politics that she can only hear what bush pushes into her !!!!!
· People of Pakistan hate American involvement in Pakistan and through them their uniformed cronies.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Solution to a grave problem

Saga of Lal Masjid ended in the confusion created by the government by killing and hiding scores of innocent bodies, mostly children and women of undefined ages , since than it is hard for government to hide bodies from searching parents, relatives and journalists… it has labeled scores of blames on government which are hard to rectify by authorities…. Official score of government is maximum 103 by D.C Islamabad, while security forces spokes man stops at 75, Mr. Edhi said he was ordered to supply 800 coffins and same amount asked from different sources , some journalists printed reports in their Newspapers that they have seen 2 bodies in one coffin (JINNAH) and there are at least two cold storages which were full of mangoes , vacated to fill with bodies. Stench in I/10-3 cold storage area tell some thing else,
The way journalists visited the demolished mosque and adjacent Seminary Jamia Hifsa’s cleaned parts, most of them broke down during the visit of area, even it was meticulously cleaned and washed with chemicals, every bullet mark on walls was crying on his mark. Dump of ammunition found was also a show for journalists who were astonished to see rockets, launchers and hand grenades, suicide bombing belts, detonators in ample amounts to kill few hundreds of troops at least, they were speechless to ask if they had this much of ammunition, why they shied away from using it on hostile forces when they knew they were going to kill them any way…this fact was very much known to Maulana Aziz who on very next day came out in Burqa !!! it was his calculated move , he was not trying to flee away in disguise but he came out among girls in burqa so that No one should open fire on him in presence of girls and media and he succeeded in his plan, jokes and humiliation he suffered after wards is not greater than price of his life & he knew the consequences even his brother late Rasheed Ahmed never tried to take harsh stands he was ready to surrender till the last moment in hope of creating soft corners but his days were over , government was adamant from very first day to kill every proof of involvement, Ministers involved in the last day talks already knew the end result, now they are shading crocodiles tears, on tv screens !!!
Hundreds of parents are roaming door to door in capital, asking for their children who were inside seminary at the time of siege and operation they have no clue where they went do they evaporate! They are not among catch and kill so where they are! there is one stroke increase in missing persons lists which is already a big question mark on face of authorities, each missing child or girl from remote villages and places of NWFP & Azad Kashmir and Potohar is sowing seeds of hatred towards government and terrorist organizations are taking full advantage of situation making more girm against this Government.
Since Operation SILENCE or Rising Sun what ever was its code name has proven to be a massive credibility blow to the authorities more than it has ever imagined , only yesterday 49 troops were killed in NWFP and tribal belts and situation is going from bad to worst since operation ended.. why we can not foresee which is already proven by American War on terror in Iraq & Afghanistan does it ended ! it has only piled more bodies more hatred & more militancy , once it is started by authorities it has spread its wings all over Pakistan, fortunately it is lesser in Punjab and Baluchistan and least in Sindh yet, two of our provinces are nearly demolished by floods and one by terrorism only one is half secure that is Punjab but there are pockets of militancy in it too, all banned organizations have strong base in Punjab but it is dormant yet not dead, sleeping volcano can awake any time sensing weakness on the part of authorities.
We are in trouble from all sides economical jugglery of words and numerical can not help us in real development but on ground reality of massive poverty , increasing law & order is going to cost us much of our face !
It is time to re think policy of violence by authorities , matter can be solved by political will and sincerity by the government, it is better for Government of dictator to accept the responsibility of killings of children and women in LAL MASJID and Jamia Hifsa and came out with number of casualities and ask pardon for their wrong doings from 160million Pakistanis and families of affected parents. It will defuse the environment immediately and save forces from multiplying hatred in people against security forces, if one has sense of history he can go through to see what has happened in the past in East Pakistan, we do not want this again & want to see Pakistan prosper not going backwards, this period is not 1960s it is way ahead you can not hide facts from public as national and international media is there and they report in competition to win battles against time for reporting facts!
The government basically can not see what an ordinary civilian is seeing on radio, TV and papers or internet, please see writings on the wall , there is no Time machine which can take us back in time to correct our mistakes!! And time is running fast since indefinite periods went and coming ahead…!

Friday, July 13, 2007


all who live in Islamabad have blood stained faces !!!

this is muneer Niazi . one of his lines are :

is mulk pe aasaib ka saaya hai ya kia hai?

k harkat tez tar hai aur safar aahista aahista !!!

he was true to the core when security forces in the name of enlightenment killed 1000 or more inncocent students of Lal Masjid seminary inb Islamabad. whole city was under seige for last 10 days and still is as areas around mashid were directly under cordon but which were not adjacent to mosque were also hit badly as bank and ATMs remained close till the filling of this write up... still there is curfew in G6 and bodies are burning inside mosque and madarasah..... many parents are searching thier kids since last 10days , they are no where .. neither in dead or in livings... nor in wounded nay in captured ....where did they go they seem to evaporate with out leaving a trace!!!!!
scores of killed bodies were being eaten on the ceiling of mosque & madarsah by birds and animals in near by Nullah as detailled by witnesees ... only a part of complex was shown to journalists and still smoke was coming out from some parts .... government claim of 73 deaths in all seems an other lie ....!
whole capital is watching in disbelief , each corner of this controlled city is smelling blood , mutilated bodies of innocent students !!!!!
No one in government is explaining relation of agencies to GHAZI brothers , invovement of Aijaz ul haq with them who saved Rashid ghazi, when he was arrestted with illegal ammunition!!!
journalista were shown lot of bombs, rocket launchers , suicide jackets, rpgs etc etc if they had this much MAAl inside why they shied to use it!!!
they kept booby traps and rockets inside to show Media after death !!!
I want to ask only one thing I accept every thing Government says about Mosque and terrorists inside role of Ghazi brothers and their end as was planned.......but where are 4thousand plus boys and Girls students only less than 2000 came out and where are others and their bodies if only 73 were killed and what was their fault !!!
they were innocent as my children are , they were not sent by their poor parents to kill or get killed , why they were killed , they could have chance of rehabilitation !!
super power has failled top curb hatred and terrorism in world against them can our government with no means eradicate hatred they are sowing in common men's mind !!!!
thousand parents are looking for their missing children after operation and we are burying 3 or 4 bodies in each coffin is this Islam our enlightened government projecting.... among its own subjects.....!!
Missing children are persumed dead by their relatives and one thousand families in northern pakistan are in mourning state the hatred it will generate against government and Army will effect ten times more population and MAN who wants to reign for ever will succumb to his own deeds and clock has already started ticking........ .
He can survive Cheif Justice , he can survive our corupt and power hungry politicians no matter they make thousands of APCs or alliances buty he can not survive growing hatred he had him self generated in people in one night only by killing innocent children girls and boys of Lal masjid and its seminaries.....!!!!
silent sufi

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Rain plays Havoc with lives in Sindh And Baluchistan
Apathy of Governmental and Public sectors !!!
October 2005 is not distant past when earth quack rocked early morning Northern Pakistan just leass than 60 second tremors rocked whole area up side down, I was going to drop my father at Rawalpindi Station, near Gwal mandi bridge my car was dragged from one side of road to an other & I just under stood that was a huge tremor , I have seen few of them in Islamabad in past 18 years but constant rocking forced me to park the car and step a side with my father whole world was spining & sky was full of Birds, what happened after that is known to every one next day at evening I was at Batrasi Cadet college at out skirts of Mansehra on 9th October......and than was asked to run damaged hospital of Garhi Habib ullah with a group of scouts already working and camping at the gate of totally damaged hospital , for next 15 days I have witnessed best spirits of people from all walks of lives from inside and out side Pakistan.
Every one has served with out political or material gains in those initial days of calamity , I was recieving at least one truck daily full of Medicines or accessories from un known sources and that spirit continued for many many days and months for many people , it was later when officials and their agencies started their juglaries !!
in nearly less than two years this is second bigger disaster which may be less in number of casualities but is much more bigger in terms of devastation October 2005 quack was a 60 second disaster but this is on going fear , hunger and continuos suffering experience for those who are dealing with it... since last five or four days water is eroding every thing homes, schools and what ever comes in its way... with very rapid cyclonic down pouring just imagine what will be going on the minds of people among them children and women experiencing rain leashing all sorts fears in their minds and bodies !!!
still their is prediction of more rains and flesh floods in baluchiostan and sindh...!!!
Baluchistan is nearly 44% of Pakistan in terms of land and nearly 70% percent of it is affectted.
than there is coastal line of nearly 1700 Kms from Badin to Gawadar , but Naushki is quite far away from Coastal area , so is Jacob abad, shahdad kot & qambar distrcits of sindh , at least 8 districts of sindh and 9 districts of Baluchistan are deadly affected with worst ever Rains and floods in dry ravines which are roaring and roaming in other wise barren terrains of Baluchistan and Sindh at least 2 Million people are affecttted in those areas and 200 casualities are reported in baluchistan and 100 in Sindh so far 500 to 600 people are lost so far .......( official figures).
till last three days 02 helicopters and 02 C 130 planes were offcially supplying food and ration supplies to affectees !! it is just unimaginable that area as big as half Pakistan can be covered with 2 0r 4 Helicopters , people are stranded in villages scattred over 200,000 sq Km just in Baluchistan , many of them are sitting over roof tops of Mosques (being only cemented building in a traditional Sindhi or Baluch village) since 04 days now with no foods and eatable, surrounded by 8 to 10 feet water , their homes and animals drown and destroyed long ago.....their only hope is Government and Aid that will come to their help !!! which is no where in sight 2 or 10 helicopter will never reach many of them.. !!
Government's apathy is remarkable but understandable as their is no hue and cry in international Media on this disaster as was in 2005 and theird day our Sarkar realized they had hit a jack pot called earth quack and started taking steps to control every aid coming to pakistan ... in camparison to this this cyclone was informed but it will devastate the areas like sibbi , naushki , Shahdad kot and Qambar as far 1200 Kms from sea and in deep arid zones of Sindh and Baluchistan !! in addittio to coastal line ... what makes me wonder is apathy and indifferance of people of Pakistan from Karachi top Khyber they are watching every news in media and Tv channels and they know the devastation which has hit the poorest areas of our land but nearly a weak of damage and still under threat from more rains , no one has shown spirit which should be there and Aids flown or sent by land to areas stranded......!!!!!
it seems that increasing prices , political and social plus economical turmoils in past two years has taken our human element out of our hearts......till we realize or start gathering strength to help those who need it now , I fear that more will die of hunger and epidemics than Rains and cyclone did...... Silent sufi

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Haikus to Tickle Your Toes

Haikus to Tickle Your Toes

Only one Pakistani politician stands out among a lot of professionals and career politicians and certainly every one has noted his stand and extremely vocal standings on ethical issues. He is Ex skipper of Pakistan cricket team who has done his politics on Principles since he joined the dirty Politics of mother land.
In Pakistan politicians are always cronies of establishment in one way or other, they have to be in good books of establishment to come to power, if one can not compromise he will always remain like RasoolBux palejo or Jam Saqi or if he has his own ideas he will be hanged like Zulifikar Ali Bhutto!!
In recent past we have seen making and breaking of many a puppets , we all have witnessed rise and fall of Nawaz Sharif from a non entity to Prime Minister of Pakistan and than with his slight hint of autocracy and try to rule country at his will not only cost him his chair but he was lucky to manipulate his contacts in running away from enlightened General (Jan Bachana Sunnat Hai) since than he has successfully proved his mettle in today’s local politics.
Nawaz ‘s exile also proves that if you are alive you can re fashion your principles unlike Z.A.B who remain in delusion that Zia has no balls to kill a person and legend like him, while Zia proved that no thing is indispensable in the eyes of an AMEER UL MOMNIN.(more than half of our checkered history is ruled by either self claimed Field marshals, Ameer ul momnins and enlightened moderators, time is not far when we will have an maiden um ul momnin in power because our Army has started producing lady Generals too!!)
Any way while PPP is romancing with General by playing deal! No Deal!! Only person who is fighting on principles and remains advocate of democracy, judicial supremacy since day one is Imran Khan. He started his politics after retiring from cricket and establishing Shaukat Khanum Cancer Hospital , He left cricket (most of our Great cricketers were kicked out from team first they announced retirement later, most recent example is MAULVI INZEMAM) when he could easily play one or two years only as a Batsman, his bowling was slowed over due to age but he has excelled as batsman and when he retired he was one of the most dependable batsman in our always unreliable team. It was Imran who had guts of analyzing and taking bold risks in game , his strategy paid in 1984 when his cornered tigers won World cup, since his retirement our Cricket and our politics are matching, His cricket career and Leader ship skills are dependable he is proving himself a Character in Pakistani politics.
The difference between Imran and rest of political players is same as when he was captain, before him and after him we are yet to find a Captain like Imran and a sportsman like him, unfortunately there is no one.
He did commit a few mistakes in initial phase by supporting Dictatorial regime , but he was quick to refuse the General when he realized that General is not serious in his commitments with nation and soon it was proved when General has soon forgot his words like his predecessors, who also promised to conduct elections in 90 days and went on to rule indefinitely until he was finally called from skies, he was so quick to move that he left not a single tissue on land and his colleagues have to complete his weight with lot of artistry !!!
Imran since his mistakes and reconciliation is most vocal of all politicians on ethics, judiciary and for restoration of democracy which means democracy without interference of hidden forces, respect to people’s mandate and who so ever wins should come to power, he is also strongest advocate of transparency in state affairs and I strongly believe that he is worth his words !!
In last elections he won only one seat for himself in national assembly but he has been equivalent to one hundred seats and he has given his opinion with out mincing his words, his rise to one of the most popular political leaders in recent months, post 9th March is recognition of fact that finally People of Pakistan are respecting his point of view and his struggle for the restoration of true democracy in Pakistan.
Against him our other most popular politicians have only one aim in life and its to make it to power by hook or by crook , exiled leader of PPP wants to be Prime Minister once again at any price her Principles melts for chair , she can live with an army General as her boss if she is allowed to take chair in place of Casanova/ lady killer Shoukat Aziz.
An other Prime Minister of This country who ran away under deal is playing very hard line against General & seems to be under psychological hatred against him due to personal reasons, the way he was mauled, embarrassed , removed and tortured by the current dictator and his cronies ,has embossed deep scars on the psyche of ex-PM , who him self was and is product of establishment , he was groomed and nurtured to make it to power by Punjabi establishment (Civil and Military) to scratch PPP and its vote bank.
But one thing is for good we have got a good Politician out of his hard ship and I will like to see Nawaz sharif in Pakistan to play his role as positively as he is now a days but his past mistakes have cost us a lot , the present state of affairs in Pakistan is due to their childish rule twice in seat of Prime Ministers of this country Both exiled Leaders have played like Jokers in politics and they ran this nation’s affairs like a typical Punjabi Movie of GUJJAR clan !!
The Best change in recent years in politics of Pakistan is Imran Khan who has emerged like a winning horse in recent judicial crises,after his initial mistakes he has learnt to rectify them , he is straight forward , he likes to play on front foot , he has learnt to play his strokes and now he knows when to check hitting and when to let loose…
His stance against a terrorist Organization, who was trying to play as a nation wide political force with the help of General is his best work up to date.
After 12th may carnage at Karachi every one in Pakistan came to see their real face and psychopathic style of Terrorism , it will be subject of separate write up for MQM but I am happy that they have shown their true face to whole nation, it was only known to people living in Sindh which are being hunted physically , financially and psychologically since MQM came to exist in urban Sindh. Before 1999 coup, it was only an ethinic organization who ruled Karachi by their gangster like torture cells and dark rule over country’s financial nerve centre, In past years they were quite because they were given free hand to plunder whole sindh than just Mohajir dominated areas of Karachi and Hyderabad , this government has closed both his eyes to Sindh and there is a contract between establishment & terrorists that they should plunder 4crore Sindhis at will.
After Bengal perhaps Sindhis and Baluchis are animals left over in remaining Pakistan who has no right to rule even in their provinces, Party who wins elections is forced to sit in opposition, One Seaters are partners with Terrorists.
MQM has strangled whole Sindh and its 04 crore inmates , out of it 3 crore sindhis are being punished for vote to Pakistan since 1983 MQM has made their life miserable, before that they were suffering from Pir, Wadera shahi and inefficient, corrupt leader ship but they were lesser evils now they have combined hands with a ethinically sick organization , who showed their actual face to remaining Pakistan on 12 May , while sindhis are facing every day a 12th May in their own homes at the hands of MQM and Arbabs……not to mention other forces of operssion.
Imran has towered his stature in the eyes of Sindhis because no one among sindhis leaders has ever dared to touch their No go areas accept brief period of PPP operation under Naseer ullah Babar and Nawaz sharif’s operations , they have not challenged their BIHARI style of politics and Bombay Style of gangsterism in their areas of jurisdiction
Every child in sindh knows their style of politics and in past eight years they were calm because they have whole sindh to extort and strangle , thanks to enlightened moderation , 70%of sindhis have no means to eat a three times meal, they are getting progressively annoyed with federal parties and turning to local groups and nationalist parties based on ethinic and separatist lines, which are dangerous for federation but people like Imran are needed to wage a war against those Terrorist out fits so that sindhis should look up to them for their cause and justice , time will prove if fare Elections held any where near future than Tehrik- i- Insaaf will get a lion’s share in sindh Politics if He continues his just struggle against MQM..


Thursday, May 31, 2007

What is this?

I am living in Islamabad twin cities since 1988 but I love Rawalpindi more than Islamabad because it is more like a city than Islamabad and it has some flavor of Hyderabad , hence it is always that at least I will once drive into pindi’s bustling roads and bazaars to quench my thirst for city life.
it is since last two years or so that Beggars (whose numbers were limited) that were always on the roads , speed breakers and halts but than since last two years you have started seen the professional beggars with wipers and other tricks to get some money out of your pocket, but what I am seeing since last one years or less there are small kids who look from middle class house holds they are there on these halts every where and this situation is heartening, I liked to cry when a Girl aged about 6 or 7 years just like my own daughter came to my window and said please give some rupees , khuda ki qasam khana nahin khaya subh say!!!! Tears came to my eyes, I refused to talk to her and what ever was in my pocket I kept on her small hands and moved away ??
Reading daily in papers that poverty is reducing in country ! which country they are talking about ??
Where are those poor turned in to middle class?? It seems we are getting more middle class in to poor, more poor below poverty line every day.. it is quoted from Hz. Umar the second khaliph , that if even one dog sleeps hungry on the banks (as far as) of FIRAAT or Dajla I will be accounted for, Hw can I sleep a sound sleep than!!! I wonder how our beloved monster like president & Casanova Prime Minister (shame on him) sleeps in these circumstances? does he has any acumen what is happening on our roads and hamlets , Pindi is city which we both share has he ever seen this shame full naked example of poverty , does he realizes what is going on in his country where his security engulfs billions of Rupees per annum and an innocent fairy like girl was begging at mid night on the Chandni chowk !!!
Our ruling elite and their families does not know the price of living in today’s Pakistan does they ?? I bet they does not, if they know they can not translate it in their minds while an officer of grade 17, 18 ,19 or 20 can not live honestly how can a clerk, naibqasid and a small vendor !!
Resultant debit is increasing in every one’s life , not only our Government is debit infested but each and every one among us is heavily under one or other sorts of debit and now another cyclone has to strike in few days, its of annual budget which will be as always tax free as were there previous! No new Taxes will be announced!!! But it will indirectly crush us under more taxes (direct also) , more debits and more dis- honesties!!!!!!!
Does General so & so have any Idea what he has done to us? if he ever come to know that how many mothers have sold their bodies to get one times meal for their kids or taken prostitution as profession to fulfill needs of their homes than if he is a human being he should go mad!! Has he this type of courage in him self ?? I don’t think so that any of our rulers has this material in them by default…. They are in soluble plastics of a material, super human beings and there eyes are on bigger cause of moving Pakistan to the ranks of developed nations which they will do by making half of country impotent and half of ladies prostitutes!! Isn’t it????

The fact is legitimacy of rules and fear of public which our rulers never inherited , they have enslaved this nation since 1958 and remain in power since than except when they humiliated whole nation by breaking half of country in a willfully lost war with India in 1971 they left civilian Prime Minister to rule just for next few years but could not bear it any longer and he was removed unceremoniously in coup and hanged for his services for saving nation, restoring its lost pride , getting back all areas captured by enemy , launching Atomic programme, giving Unified constitution , Shimla Accord, releasing POWs with out paying an extra cost and many more visionary acts which we can only dream in a Dictators regimes..
contrary to this what we have got in thirty some thing year’s direct Military rule is exactly opposite to what was achieved in five years of Civil rule for example ethnicity is unparallel to any thing in the past Karachi and whole Sindh is under direct rule of Terrorist organization and whole Sindh is being held hostage at Gun point and incidents of 12thMay 2007 has proven this live to whole world, their most notorious Terrorist is Governor of Sindh and a character less person who tops foul mouthing is CM of that unfortunate province. There is Heroin and Kalashnikov’s at every nook and corner of the country . NWFP is in grip of Talbanization claims of success in war of terror are just a façade….. dozens of innocent citizens were implicated in false cases and handed over to notorious Guatanamo bay prison just to get Bounty from states and fill pockets of generals , this an other shame full scandal on President he has received Billions of dollars for Alqaida and Taliban captured by Pakistani agencies and Army and received money from USA authorities & there is no record available of those payments which should have been deposited in Government kitty and spent for welfare of people of PAKISTAN ! the money received went to whome??
Baluchistan and WAziristanare under serious threats of crimes against humanity.. only few percent cronies of General are getting richer and richer , half a million Army in a nation of 157 orphans is living in Paradise and remaining 156.5 million people has to suffer at their cost……
How long Asian development Bank ,IMF & World Bank has to dictate terms up to the levels that they make budgets for us and our Finance Minister just read them in assembly with out adding a small comma to original draft given to them by Bank managers….!! They add only poems to add spice to their drafts……

Gifts of Dictatorial rules are countless to this nation and nation can witness mushrooming Defence residential schemes, monopoly of defence related busnesses on many a trades , seepage of inefficient army officers into civilian departments and end less corruption , We stand lower than we were before October 1999 standings of corruption and crimes against humanity today…. Now they have decided to ruin our only sane institute of Justice to bulldoze last straw of sanity among us .
But the girl like Ayesha my daughter asking for one meal on the roads of PINDI at midnight is haunting in my thoughts her words are killing me , she is not alone , count less families are committing suicides due to economic reasons one who can not is taking begging and prostitution as professions if can not snatch mobiles and pockets on streets.
it will be good an idea for our enlightened Government to introduce “ Child prostitution ‘ as speciality for VIST PAKISTAN YEAR 2007.!!!!!! i think rulers will gladly accept this proposal of utmost shame because they had any we wont dare this to offer...!
What is this?

I am living in Islamabad twin cities since 1988 but I love Rawalpindi more than Islamabad because it is more like a city than Islamabad and it has some flavor of Hyderabad , hence it is always that at least I will once drive into pindi’s bustling roads and bazaars to quench my thirst for city life.
it is since last two years or so that Beggars (whose numbers were limited) that were always on the roads , speed breakers and halts but than since last two years you have started seen the professional beggars with wipers and other tricks to get some money out of your pocket, but what I am seeing since last one years or less there are small kids who look from middle class house holds they are there on these halts every where and this situation is heartening, I liked to cry when a Girl aged about 6 or 7 years just like my own daughter came to my window and said please give some rupees , khuda ki qasam khana nahin khaya subh say!!!! Tears came to my eyes, I refused to talk to her and what ever was in my pocket I kept on her small hands and moved away ??
Reading daily in papers that poverty is reducing in country ! which country they are talking about ??
Where are those poor turned in to middle class?? It seems we are getting more middle class in to poor, more poor below poverty line every day.. it is quoted from Hz. Umar the second khaliph , that if even one dog sleeps hungry on the banks (as far as) of FIRAAT or Dajla I will be accounted for, Hw can I sleep a sound sleep than!!! I wonder how our beloved monster like president & Casanova Prime Minister (shame on him) sleeps in these circumstances? does he has any acumen what is happening on our roads and hamlets , Pindi is city which we both share has he ever seen this shame full naked example of poverty , does he realizes what is going on in his country where his security engulfs billions of Rupees per annum and an innocent fairy like girl was begging at mid night on the Chandni chowk !!!
Our ruling elite and their families does not know the price of living in today’s Pakistan does they ?? I bet they does not, if they know they can not translate it in their minds while an officer of grade 17, 18 ,19 or 20 can not live honestly how can a clerk, naibqasid and a small vendor !!
Resultant debit is increasing in every one’s life , not only our Government is debit infested but each and every one among us is heavily under one or other sorts of debit and now another cyclone has to strike in few days, its of annual budget which will be as always tax free as were there previous! No new Taxes will be announced!!! But it will indirectly crush us under more taxes (direct also) , more debits and more dis- honesties!!!!!!!
Does General so & so have any Idea what he has done to us? if he ever come to know that how many mothers have sold their bodies to get one times meal for their kids or taken prostitution as profession to fulfill needs of their homes than if he is a human being he should go mad!! Has he this type of courage in him self ?? I don’t think so that any of our rulers has this material in them by default…. They are in soluble plastics of a material, super human beings and there eyes are on bigger cause of moving Pakistan to the ranks of developed nations which they will do by making half of country impotent and half of ladies prostitutes!! Isn’t it????

The fact is legitimacy of rules and fear of public which our rulers never inherited , they have enslaved this nation since 1958 and remain in power since than except when they humiliated whole nation by breaking half of country in a willfully lost war with India in 1971 they left civilian Prime Minister to rule just for next few years but could not bear it any longer and he was removed unceremoniously in coup and hanged for his services for saving nation, restoring its lost pride , getting back all areas captured by enemy , launching Atomic programme, giving Unified constitution , Shimla Accord, releasing POWs with out paying an extra cost and many more visionary acts which we can only dream in a Dictators regimes..
contrary to this what we have got in thirty some thing year’s direct Military rule is exactly opposite to what was achieved in five years of Civil rule for example ethnicity is unparallel to any thing in the past Karachi and whole Sindh is under direct rule of Terrorist organization and whole Sindh is being held hostage at Gun point and incidents of 12thMay 2007 has proven this live to whole world, their most notorious Terrorist is Governor of Sindh and a character less person who tops foul mouthing is CM of that unfortunate province. There is Heroin and Kalashnikov’s at every nook and corner of the country . NWFP is in grip of Talbanization claims of success in war of terror are just a façade….. dozens of innocent citizens were implicated in false cases and handed over to notorious Guatanamo bay prison just to get Bounty from states and fill pockets of generals , this an other shame full scandal on President he has received Billions of dollars for Alqaida and Taliban captured by Pakistani agencies and Army and received money from USA authorities & there is no record available of those payments which should have been deposited in Government kitty and spent for welfare of people of PAKISTAN ! the money received went to whome??
Baluchistan and WAziristanare under serious threats of crimes against humanity.. only few percent cronies of General are getting richer and richer , half a million Army in a nation of 157 orphans is living in Paradise and remaining 156.5 million people has to suffer at their cost……
How long Asian development Bank ,IMF & World Bank has to dictate terms up to the levels that they make budgets for us and our Finance Minister just read them in assembly with out adding a small comma to original draft given to them by Bank managers….!! They add only poems to add spice to their drafts……

Gifts of Dictatorial rules are countless to this nation and nation can witness mushrooming Defence residential schemes, monopoly of defence related busnesses on many a trades , seepage of inefficient army officers into civilian departments and end less corruption , We stand lower than we were before October 1999 standings of corruption and crimes against humanity today…. Now they have decided to ruin our only sane institute of Justice to bulldoze last straw of sanity among us .
But the girl like Ayesha my daughter asking for one meal on the roads of PINDI at midnight is haunting in my thoughts her words are killing me , she is not alone , count less families are committing suicides due to economic reasons one who can not is taking begging and prostitution as professions if can not snatch mobiles and pockets on streets.
it will be good an idea for our enlightened Government to introduce “ Child prostitution ‘ as speciality for VIST PAKISTAN YEAR 2007.!!!!!! i think rulers will gladly accept this proposal of utmost shame because they had any we wont dare this to offer...!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Muharram In Shikarpur

Its only Sindh and Sindhis where with out keeping in mind about cast and creed Muharam is celeberated by all sects of islam plus sindhi Hindues and Christians living among Sindhis , even today when whole world in divided on religious lines, Pakistan is no exception, its provinces has been pockets of religious bigots of all types and shapes, even in sindh rise sects and brailvi, devbandi and jaffery sects are every where but they celeberate Muharram in peace and helping each other , this is not only universal but since last 1000 or more years , not only Muslims but Hindues and scheduled cast minorities also participate, religious harmony is serious problem any where elsein Pakistan but not in Sindh, with millions of sufis sleeping in its graves through out they have turned this land in land of tolerance , secularism and is still the same.
I want to put in details of Shikarpur in muharram where one Muharam ends and preparations of next already start, people devoted to make Flowers start making Flowers for TAZIA, ZUL jiNNAH and Mehindi Processions, these flowers and their making is an art which they transfer to their Sons and students , flowers of all colors and sizes and of all types too. that labour of LOVE continues all year round.