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Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Banana Republic & Monkey Business


It seems a bunch of monkeys ARE ruling Pakistan (infect has been ruling most of its time!) it is monkeys mood swings which are never predictable, he can be laughing at one moment and running with a dagger to kill some one the very next time.
There is no doubt in it that we are a BANANA republic , when I was a child I use to think that Banana republics are those which produce a lot of Bananas like south American states and Far eastern states, we also produce world’s best Bananas in Sindh….! But with growing of conscious I know that not due to Sindh’s tasty Bananas but due to our Armed commandos we are a Genuine Banana republic, as we are always in sea of problems and prone to or occupied by Monkeys ! and those unpredictable Monkeys can do any thing they are able to kill 80 year old politician on personal hatred , they can serve exile terms and enforce it contempting any court of LAW.
They have no respect for any rule and bear no principles,.
They claim morality lessons for others and have no moral obligations attached. I will add to definitions of banana republics that it is always ruled by Monkeys!!
Three days back what happened on Islamabad Airport was confirmation of the fact that we are all cowards and till we do not acquire human habits we should call our selves Monkeys….!
Nawaz sharif is not a Good man him self but he does not deserve the treatment he was given by government on his arrival, that only confirms the fact that we are not only coward but our whole system is in the hands of monkeys.
President is having personal hatred against Nawaz and he was afraid that if he will come people will storm Islamabad & same mis calculation about his popularity was in the mind of ex-PM but what he did not realized, was the fact that he was leader of a coward nation so he was shocked at the reaction of government and his party and People!!!
Same happened to ZA. BHUTTO in same city of Monkeys and cowards, he had euphoria that people will run havoc to ZIA if he dared to touch him, but in the end he was hanged in a false case & doubtful judgment given by Apex courts of Pakistan !!!!
He was more dashing and aristocratic than Mr. Nawaz , his daughter has learned the formulae to live with monkeys by being openly coward, she does say that “Power rests with People” but doesn’t believe in her lines , she is all set to sit with dictators and bypass people’s verdicts!!!!
Mr. Sharif committed a blunder by requesting and having signed a deal of exile for 10 years if he was allowed to leave country with whole family. Now his deal is a living curse on him, he showed no character as a national leader when he went away from his workers , he kept denying the facts for seven years from his supporters , now suddenly he tried to clarify his position just before leaving from London to Islamabad !!!
Newton said in third Law of gravity that each “action has equal and opposite reaction” so what he sowed he has to face it on his arrival , cunning ness is met with equal and opposite show of coward ness from his supporters by opting to remain home and Government which immediately sensed that no one is going to react except few , packed him back to Jeddah Palace, where he will remain for next three years to complete his term in a golden cage…!
He was seen crying but he should remember that he did it for him self and we are coward nation ruled Monkeys, We did what monkeys do. That is why it is called Monkey business…

Silent sufi .

Monkey Business & Banana republic of Pakistan


It seems a bunch of monkeys ARE ruling Pakistan (infect has been ruling most of its time!) it is monkeys mood swings which are never predictable, he can be laughing at one moment and running with a dagger to kill some one the very next time.There is no doubt in it that we are a BANANA republic , when I was a child I use to think that Banana republics are those which produce a lot of Bananas like south American states and Far eastern states, we also produce world’s best Bananas in Sindh….! But with growing of conscious I know that not due to Sindh’s tasty Bananas but due to our Armed commandos we are a Genuine Banana republic, as we are always in sea of problems and prone to or occupied by Monkeys ! and those unpredictable Monkeys can do any thing they are able to kill 80 year old politician on personal hatred , they can serve exile terms and enforce it contempting any court of LAW.They have no respect for any rule and bear no principles,.They claim morality lessons for others and have no moral obligations attached. I will add to definitions of banana republics that it is always ruled by Monkeys!!Three days back what happened on Islamabad Airport was confirmation of the fact that we are all cowards and till we do not acquire human habits we should call our selves Monkeys….!Nawaz sharif is not a Good man him self but he does not deserve the treatment he was given by government on his arrival, that only confirms the fact that we are not only coward but our whole system is in the hands of monkeys.President is having personal hatred against Nawaz and he was afraid that if he will come people will storm Islamabad & same mis calculation about his popularity was in the mind of ex-PM but what he did not realized, was the fact that he was leader of a coward nation so he was shocked at the reaction of government and his party and People!!! Same happened to ZA. BHUTTO in same city of Monkeys and cowards, he had euphoria that people will run havoc to ZIA if he dared to touch him, but in the end he was hanged in a false case & doubtful judgment given by Apex courts of Pakistan !!!!He was more dashing and aristocratic than Mr. Nawaz , his daughter has learned the formulae to live with monkeys by being openly coward, she does say that “Power rests with People” but doesn’t believe in her lines , she is all set to sit with dictators and bypass people’s verdicts!!!!Mr. Sharif committed a blunder by requesting and having signed a deal of exile for 10 years if he was allowed to leave country with whole family. Now his deal is a living curse on him, he showed no character as a national leader when he went away from his workers , he kept denying the facts for seven years from his supporters , now suddenly he tried to clarify his position just before leaving from London to Islamabad !!!Newton said in third Law of gravity that each “action has equal and opposite reaction” so what he sowed he has to face it on his arrival , cunning ness is met with equal and opposite show of coward ness from his supporters by opting to remain home and Government which immediately sensed that no one is going to react except few , packed him back to Jeddah Palace, where he will remain for next three years to complete his term in a golden cage…!He was seen crying but he should remember that he did it for him self and we are coward nation ruled Monkeys, We did what monkeys do. That is why it is called Monkey business…!
Mr sharif should not cry on his fate he has done himself a deal with saudi's and even today he is living a royal life in Jeddah while 1000s of innocent people are missing with out a trace and their kids anfd families have no idea they are alive or dead in some dungeon of our fearsome agencies.....God knows better, atleast Mr.Sharif was sent to saudi Arabia in a Plane on government cost...
his concern for being a Prime Minister again and eat Koftas, Phajjay k Paye, Lassi with Hareesa and Makai di roti tay sarsoan da saag at the road side vendors in Heera mandi is off course badly bruised....! he has to wait for some time now but you never know what comes with tomoro...! what I see a black future for Pakistan at least for time being... Silent sufi .