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Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Whole country is mourning the deaths of innocent Pakistani citizens, police men on duty & political workers or Jiyalas of PPP !
It was mid night between 18 & 19 October when two blasts rocked and ended whole day’s jubilations and celebrations of PPP workers and supporters of Zulifiqar Ali Bhutto’s daughter & HIS cause. Country men has forgotten the corruption charges and inefficient governments of His daughter and second time in 21 years of this troubled and poorest country’s men women and children had welcomed her by creating new records of political rallies in Pakistan. Ms Bhutto was visibly happy, jubilant and moved on her welcome procession so she forgot threats to her life , which were being extensively propagated by Political allies of President Mushraf, since the time when she announced date to come back.
Pakistanis from all walks of life started pouring in to Karachi from every nook and corner of Pakistan on the morning of 18th October, Karachi witnessed its largest crowds ever , stretching and overstretching the main Sharah-e-Faisal avenue and its tributaries, She reached Karachi after nearly 08 year’s self exile, at about 2PM local time and procession started nearly 40 minutes after her arrival , whole city was on holiday and millions out poured on Sharah-e – Faisal to greet their leader, whole day there were dancing, singing and expression of happiness on people in Benazir’s procession and on her Leader’s faces.
Pakistan has under gone rapid change in last five years, Media was not so powerful when she left, now there are nearly 50 channels in local languages and English, The rapid reporting and live coverage has changed altogether socio-Political environment in Pakistan in past few years, Today the most important monitoring and accountability Factor in Pakistan is not opposition or Government’s departments or Public accounts committees but its Print and more than that Electronic Media. Government is not annoyed with Politicians but only with Media because 80% people are addicted to Tube and choice of channels available is wide, Media has started educating people of Pakistan on every countable issue, live debates, analysis and minute to minute coverage of events has created difference of opinion and people’s interest in Government’s and Opposition’s functions.
It started from 9 March 2007 and events after that give strong evidence that how deeply has Media penetrated in to Pakistani Psyche !! Media gives them choice to select from right and wrong by educating them, Media is not party but it’s a tool of information. Things are quite different Now and this process can not be reversed by any one !!!
Karachi carnage took away lives of 140 innocent Pakistanis…question is not that WHO did it??
Was it a Suicide Attack or Not? Lot has been written and speculated in print & electronic media in Past week after the killings.. Investigations are going on,Its for expert in field to decide,investigate and trace the culprits.
There is one thing clear that we are being sucked in to a whirlpool of terror & Terrorism and the road is leading us to an ultimate doom!!!
Who ever did it, was not enemy of Benazir or PPP but he is enemy of whole nation……these blasts were carefully crafted and meticulously executed , what I feel is that BB was not their only target ! Target was Pakistan, certainly a group of people is trying to hold this nation a hostage to terrorism, they want us to get frighten so that No body comes out of their homes, No Political procession or gatherings should be held any where in Pakistan, none of the leaders can dare to come out and go to their voters for facing the electors, their campaign, if any should be limited to indoor drawing room politics and nation should be derailed from process of attaining full democracy.
If we get their message & get terrorized, than they will come out openly Do what ever they want and kill every one who opposes them, they will destroy our National fabric beyond recognition in a few months time, they will close all girls schools,colleges and universities and do what they are doing in swat or in parts of fata.
I am happy what I have felt after the blasts, that not only Political leaders but common men, women and even children are not frightened but they are mourning with a visible anguish on their faces, whole nation including all sensible political players are mourning , the most sensible statement came from BB it self, when she talked about national reconciliation among all political parties, civil and military beaurocrasy , civic organizations and common men to rise above personal and political bias , she called to end personal animosity on the basis of political or ideological differences.
Whole world has condemned the attacks, including calls from presidents and prime minister’s of many countries, nearly whole Pakistani political leaders called BB and her lieutenants for condolences and UN security counsel passed a resolution and directed member countries to help Pakistan in investigations of the Karachi carnage but unfortunately there are people in our politics who are taking advantage of the situation out of their personal bias against BB & PPP, I feel pity on their character , what ever may be our political differences Karachi tragedy is a national tragedy and most heinous of the crimes committed against humanity , every body killed & wounded was a Pakistani citizen their loss is our loss, its not loss of a party or an individual its loss of whole Pakistan,I can not imagine what would have been the result if attackers should have succeeded in their ugly plan, it was not BB who was going to die alone, whole leader ship of Pakistan Peoples Party was on that vehicle and should have died and god forbid I can not imagine what shape Pakistan would have taken after that. Sindh and most of Pakistanis believe Zulifkar Ali Bhutto as their leader, even two decades after his death and people have never forgot him and at the same time never forgiven his killers, its only ZAB who has kept his daughter alive in our politics, even after two time failures in government and a long line of corruption charges on her self and her spouse.
These are defining movements in our history , when we are slowly inching towards real democracy , cases in supreme court may take any shape but one thing is sure if we stand united and keep pressing towards democratic path we are going to achieve it sooner than later and only democracy is a procedure which will give us a respectable place in community of nations and only by the means of real democracy and freedom to live in what ever manner one wants to , will certainly put us on the path on progress