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Monday, August 20, 2007

Kidney Trade
Pakistan is World Leader

We have lost the thin line between Ethical and non Ethical, at every step and corner of our lives. Every one among us wants to earn billions and that too in shortest possible time and way. We kill for money, even officially we killed many people just to get 5000USD for one killed or captured Al-Qaida or Taliban activist, many a innocent people has been killed or given to US forces of terror just to please our masters , Our Army is called Bounty Hunters in international circles, Pakistan is largest contributor of forces for UN Peace mission , sole motive is money for sending forces every where in world. Our Politicians have no Ideological farces they can change loyalties more faster than our President changes his stand!
Our Politicians once in Power, there only motive is to show their powers and earn as much dollars as he or she can, they are masters of white collar crimes & untouchables. General public does what their superiors do, every one at his stature is more corrupt than his predecessor!!
Medical Profession is one of the most noble of all professions, our doctors has turned it into most ugliest of all trades (Personally I do not think it as profession, it is a service, Art and religion for me & few others with same inborn error, for us it is motorway to NIRVANA.) every other Dr is mal practicing one way or other , getting commissions from laboratories and adjacent Medical stores, Prescribing un due medicines and spreading Hepatitis, just to earn more money and rise their Financialstatus.
Now since last decade or two, we have earned our reputation as ORGAN TRADERS, and with grace of god and our inclination to every thing bad, we are among top few illegal trade centers of the world!
Pakistan is among five top illegal Kidney suppliers, Doctors in this business are billionaires, they are untouchables and fairly practicing angles like Dr. Adeeb ul Hassan Rizvi has no say when they want to formulate a bill on Organ trade, because Government wants to legalize the trade not banning it on strict terms. They want to BAN on selling on the face but there will be no restriction on DONATIONS!!
A debit ridden peasant will donate kidney to huge Arab Sheikh from oil rich Gulf state or from America a GORA sahib will come to Pakistan after deal is matured on internet or through middle man which is mostly a Doctor working as agent in Middle east or in States or European country, the deal pays them handsomely while donor is paid just 20 to 50 thousand Pakistani notes.
A village near Lahore called Sultan Pura has almost its all adults males sold their one kidney! There are cases of organ theft in private hospitals, patients admitted with one problem or accidents with some internal bleeding or even appendicitis are later come to know that some one has taken out their kidneys while operating for one thing or other.
There are cases of one going to some big city for some job and is lured by a woman , person takes her to hotel or goes to her place where he is drugged in drinks and when wakes up he found his kidney removed.
We are at our lowest ebb of ethics as doctors and as a society, Organ transplant bill is postponed again for reasons better known to government since last Ten years!
Dr Adib Ul Hassan Rizvi the known transplant surgeon of SIUT is vocal against governmental bill to curb organ transplantation which he says will open a legal avenues for illegal transplantation, which is a nearly 1 Billion rupees industry now a days. At least we are doing weekly 50 transplants in Lahore, Rawalpindi, Karachi and on average yearly 2000 transplants are being done in our country!! Out of which about 500 are legal and kidneys mostly donated by blood relatives!! Remaining 1500- 2000 are done illegal and donor is paid 20 to 50 thousand and most of the donors remain at loss and could not achieve what they dream after selling their Kidneys!! To pay debit or get free from bonded labor at farms or brick kilns wide spread in Punjab, this menace is yet not spread in sindh and Baluchistan where poverty is more severe than Punjab.
Pakistan seems to get popularity and progress in all things unethical and BAD, there is a powerful lobby which is resisting bill against organ trade even if it is tabled in assemblies it will be deformed enough to accommodate illegal trade and legalize it !!!
There is huge rackets involved in this trade and has direct involvement of retired Army generals mostly doctors. One of them is doing weekly 5 to 10 transplant right near the house of COAS in Rawalpindi and has agents all over the world and on internet, these agents are paid handsomely than Donors!! The Dr is untouchable because he is from forces and no one can question his ethics.
I have only mentioned about Kidney Transplantation but China ,Indonesia are already in business of Liver Transplant too , may be we will soon get involved in this type of Transplantation too, why these people come to Pakistan from at least 20 countries of World from Mid-east to north America? Answer is simple we have our agents there and cost of transplant is very high 40 to 50 thousand $ in these countries or donations from Blood relatives , which is only way to do it ethically from living relatives, or wait for cadaver donors, for that type of donations there is huge list of waiting people on dialysis, Going to Pakistan , India, China, Indonesia is very easy and cheap solution, they pay 10 to 20 thousand $ for whole business and go home healthy, they have no concern how they got it because they pay for it, like paying for a designer suit !!
Just today one jobless person’s story is surfaced in a paper who was robbed off his kidney for 1Million Rupees, in a Rawalpindi Cantt hospital by a Private surgeon, hospital belongs to a Rtd. General donor was paid 1Lac after operation and relieved from hospital in three days! Than no further money was given and an ASI of Police robbed him of his payment and poor man is with out a penny he lost his kidney in free, there are hundred of such stories if investigated when donors are given nothing or peanuts after his kidney is taken out.
Supreme Court and civil society should react strongly to curb this practice and cancel the Licenses of such Doctors who practice illegal kidney Transplantation!!
Transplant tourists must be discourage by society and these Doctors must be declared social out casts, we are earning bad names due to very few people, who think money is answer to all ills , they have already earned billions in this illegal trade and many more are joining this illegal and un ethical and un Islamic trade..if the things remain same soon we will be celebrating an other ”VISIT – PAKISTAN Year “ for transplant tourism and Government will organize Organ Bazaars like Sunday Bazaars to sell Kidneys, Liver, Lungs, Skin, Cornea and may be small infants as eating delicacy!!!!!!
Our Export Promotion Bureau will be organizing “Human Organ Trade Fairs” at potential buyers countries and run promotion campaigns on the grounds that our Kidneys and livers are best in world!! Don’t go for Indian or Chinese Kidney because ours is a Best one ! May God should show us Light……!! Silent Sufi.
as Ghalib Said " le aain gay bazaar se
Ja kar dil -o-Jaan Aur.
Kidney Trade
Pakistan is World Leader

We have lost the thin line between Ethical and non Ethical, at every step and corner of our lives. Every one among us wants to earn billions and that too in shortest possible time and way. We kill for money, even officially we killed many people just to get 5000USD for one killed or captured Al-Qaida or Taliban activist, many a innocent people has been killed or given to US forces of terror just to please our masters , Our Army is called Bounty Hunters in international circles, Pakistan is largest contributor of forces for UN Peace mission , sole motive is money for sending forces every where in world. Our Politicians have no Ideological farces they can change loyalties more faster than our President changes his stand!
Our Politicians once in Power, there only motive is to show their powers and earn as much dollars as he or she can, they are masters of white collar crimes & untouchables. General public does what their superiors do, every one at his stature is more corrupt than his predecessor!!
Medical Profession is one of the most noble of all professions, our doctors has turned it into most ugliest of all trades (Personally I do not think it as profession, it is a service, Art and religion for me & few others with same inborn error, for us it is motorway to NIRVANA.) every other Dr is mal practicing one way or other , getting commissions from laboratories and adjacent Medical stores, Prescribing un due medicines and spreading Hepatitis, just to earn more money and rise their Financialstatus.
Now since last decade or two, we have earned our reputation as ORGAN TRADERS, and with grace of god and our inclination to every thing bad, we are among top few illegal trade centers of the world!
Pakistan is among five top illegal Kidney suppliers, Doctors in this business are billionaires, they are untouchables and fairly practicing angles like Dr. Adeeb ul Hassan Rizvi has no say when they want to formulate a bill on Organ trade, because Government wants to legalize the trade not banning it on strict terms. They want to BAN on selling on the face but there will be no restriction on DONATIONS!!
A debit ridden peasant will donate kidney to huge Arab Sheikh from oil rich Gulf state or from America a GORA sahib will come to Pakistan after deal is matured on internet or through middle man which is mostly a Doctor working as agent in Middle east or in States or European country, the deal pays them handsomely while donor is paid just 20 to 50 thousand Pakistani notes.
A village near Lahore called Sultan Pura has almost its all adults males sold their one kidney! There are cases of organ theft in private hospitals, patients admitted with one problem or accidents with some internal bleeding or even appendicitis are later come to know that some one has taken out their kidneys while operating for one thing or other.
There are cases of one going to some big city for some job and is lured by a woman , person takes her to hotel or goes to her place where he is drugged in drinks and when wakes up he found his kidney removed.
We are at our lowest ebb of ethics as doctors and as a society, Organ transplant bill is postponed again for reasons better known to government since last Ten years!
Dr Adib Ul Hassan Rizvi the known transplant surgeon of SIUT is vocal against governmental bill to curb organ transplantation which he says will open a legal avenues for illegal transplantation, which is a nearly 1 Billion rupees industry now a days. At least we are doing weekly 50 transplants in Lahore, Rawalpindi, Karachi and on average yearly 2000 transplants are being done in our country!! Out of which about 500 are legal and kidneys mostly donated by blood relatives!! Remaining 1500- 2000 are done illegal and donor is paid 20 to 50 thousand and most of the donors remain at loss and could not achieve what they dream after selling their Kidneys!! To pay debit or get free from bonded labor at farms or brick kilns wide spread in Punjab, this menace is yet not spread in sindh and Baluchistan where poverty is more severe than Punjab.
Pakistan seems to get popularity and progress in all things unethical and BAD, there is a powerful lobby which is resisting bill against organ trade even if it is tabled in assemblies it will be deformed enough to accommodate illegal trade and legalize it !!!
There is huge rackets involved in this trade and has direct involvement of retired Army generals mostly doctors. One of them is doing weekly 5 to 10 transplant right near the house of COAS in Rawalpindi and has agents all over the world and on internet, these agents are paid handsomely than Donors!! The Dr is untouchable because he is from forces and no one can question his ethics.
I have only mentioned about Kidney Transplantation but China ,Indonesia are already in business of Liver Transplant too , may be we will soon get involved in this type of Transplantation too, why these people come to Pakistan from at least 20 countries of World from Mid-east to north America? Answer is simple we have our agents there and cost of transplant is very high 40 to 50 thousand $ in these countries or donations from Blood relatives , which is only way to do it ethically from living relatives, or wait for cadaver donors, for that type of donations there is huge list of waiting people on dialysis, Going to Pakistan , India, China, Indonesia is very easy and cheap solution, they pay 10 to 20 thousand $ for whole business and go home healthy, they have no concern how they got it because they pay for it, like paying for a designer suit !!
Just today one jobless person’s story is surfaced in a paper who was robbed off his kidney for 1Million Rupees, in a Rawalpindi Cantt hospital by a Private surgeon, hospital belongs to a Rtd. General donor was paid 1Lac after operation and relieved from hospital in three days! Than no further money was given and an ASI of Police robbed him of his payment and poor man is with out a penny he lost his kidney in free, there are hundred of such stories if investigated when donors are given nothing or peanuts after his kidney is taken out.
Supreme Court and civil society should react strongly to curb this practice and cancel the Licenses of such Doctors who practice illegal kidney Transplantation!!
Transplant tourists must be discourage by society and these Doctors must be declared social out casts, we are earning bad names due to very few people, who think money is answer to all ills , they have already earned billions in this illegal trade and many more are joining this illegal and un ethical and un Islamic trade..if the things remain same soon we will be celebrating an other ”VISIT – PAKISTAN Year “ for transplant tourism and Government will organize Organ Bazaars like Sunday Bazaars to sell Kidneys, Liver, Lungs, Skin, Cornea and may be small infants as eating delicacy!!!!!!
Our Export Promotion Bureau will be organizing “Human Organ Trade Fairs” at potential buyers countries and run promotion campaigns on the grounds that our Kidneys and livers are best in world!! Don’t go for Indian or Chinese Kidney because ours is a Best one ! May God should show us Light……!! Silent Sufi.

as Ghalib Said " le aain gay bazaar se

Ja kar dil -o-Jaan Aur.