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Saturday, February 13, 2010

Burden of shame !

We talk more and do nothing, we have a very big Ministry of Social welfare & Special Education where only paper kingdoms are built and they flourish too but across the dream oceans!!!!
In 30 years of its inception they have failed to curb issues of social and moral ethics, they have a vast net work built but it is only wastage of paper, tax payer’s money and resources!!
In last thirty plus years they have built and running some 100 centres of Special education and strangely it is only department where Teachers are given selection grade for gossiping and fan fare they attend in the name of duty , the whole empire is erected on the expense of poor & special children , I will write in detail the in side out stories but some other time.
Ministry of Social welfare & Special education has two big Divisions including several sections ,one big Directorate of Special education and other is social welfare wing with its separate DG and many directors and a huge empire of Bait ul Maal.
Social welfare is supposed to take up issues regarding all social evils and arrange, research and create solution for their curb.
What they are doing and their performance is a very big and debatable issue today I want to point out towards an other disturbing ,humanitarian crises which pinches me daily when I cross in to Rawalpindi from Islamabad or vice versa.

We can easily see the hordes of young masculine and
feminine she males and eunuchs on every road halt in the Rawalpindi and they just mushroomed in past two or three years, before them, these Road points (CHOWKS) were covered by the families of wanderers , mostly small girls and boys and than young adolescent teen aged girls, just started gathering there and these points become commercial hub of activities for small flower sellers, wind screen cleaners and beggars, demanding few rupees on one pretext or other ! Than some smart girls started gracing the road halt, they earned hefty sums daily by just standing on one chowk or other of Murree Road.
Than suddenly these He-males and She-males started appearing in hordes and they pushed the girly workers to far corners on the road in front of us, daily commuters on the Murree road!!!
Every body knows who are they and what they do despite asking for money from the road users, there are at least

Lahori khawaja seras protesting in front of press club.
hundred of them on the crossings from Islamabad to Rawalpindi to Committee chowk, because they are afraid from Islamabad police so they don’t come to Islamabad but at each entry point from Islamabad they have displaced ladies who use to have Qabza on these points.
One of them is Anjuman who doesn’t look like Anjuman from any corner of her body except from her thighs and protruding abdomen ,she has a husky masculine voice , an other Resham, than there are Sridevis, Madhuris, now a days Katrinas and Reemas, following the names of bolly wood and lolly wood chicks!!
obviously they do not have begging as their only trade and these names are not their original names , these are identities given by their Gurus !!
History of eunichs is as old as mankind it self , they started with birth of human beings because we are always at risk of producing genetically abnormal children , they are either abnormal sexually or they are born with the mind of a male in female or vice versa and history is full of such characters and specially Islamic history is full of them.
If we will see the past of great Mughals, umaids, Abbassids, Ottomans and all other great dynasties they have personal body guards and attendants in their harems called “Khawaja Seras” and some of them became so influential in these Muslim dynasties that they have changed Rulers at will and were main figures in side political intrigues of palaces of our great Muslim rulers.
Traditionally in sub continent when Moghals gave way to Britishers of East India company , in initial days of Raj, gora sahib also kept these Khawaja seras as their personal attendants but with time and modernization they also took of f their patronage and only the local rulers and Nawabs kept them as symbol of pride and as tokens of old traditions.
With 1947 whole scene was changed and they had to earn their living by singing on the eve of marriages and child birth across the length and breadth of sub continent.
There can be groups in a city connected to a central Gurus where they live in secluded houses under the patronage of that guru who himself is a senior Khawaja sara , I have seen their “Marhis” in Hala and Shikarpur near our Mohallas, we as children use to make fun of them when they came to Bazaars or on some local child birth functions, but now I regret my being involved in theses acts as a child because I feel as responsible as any one to disrespect the fellow human beings !!
Why they become such, has a scientific back ground as each of us knows we have certain numbers of chromosomes fixed in our body ,when a child is made equal number of chromosomes from male (father) & female (Mother) join in to make a fetus of them one pair is sex chromosomes, one comes from mother and an other from father they are called “X” & “Y” chromosomes, if both chromosomes are X than the child born is female or Girl, but if one chromosome is X & another is Y ,than baby becomes a male , so the genetic formula for a male child is always (XY) and for female or Girls is (XX). Any thing other than that can change the make upof baby , some times in early phase of child’s making at cellular levels in first 12 weeks , hormonal influence, drugs and infections can arrest the normal development of the child and despite being male his appearance can be feminine or vice versa…..some times they chromosomes duplicate and child has XXX inspite of XX , or XXY inspite of XY for being a normal male, these children are born with rudimentary genitals, feminine bodies and masculine bodies in males, there are many syndromes in Medical science which can be identified like Klienfelter’s Syndrome, super female syndrome etc,etc.
These abnormalities in genetic make up can lead to child’s phenotype (physical) appearance but many of them are treatable by plastic surgeries and hormonal treatments.
An other way of making a male in to female or a female in to male is also greatly under practice, when qualified surgeons, endocrinologist ,gynecologists make various operations, hormonal therapies and artificial implants to change the appearance of a man or woman to look like opposite sex.
A lot of normal appearing males or females feel them selves uncomfortable in their original sexes , like a male feels he is not a male , he is comfortable in ladies company and want to be a female, so they undergo these type of operations but after changing sex they can enjoy copulation but never procreate, actually many of them are actually females in wrong body or males in wrong body too.
But what we are seeing on our cities, villages and towns ,many of them are actually genetic abnormalities but also among them many are transvestites (males wearing clothes and attitudes of females or vice versa), or she males ( changed general appearance under hormonal influence & artificial implants) ,medicines allegedly change their appearance to look like opposite sex and Silicon implants make their breasts looks & feel like a women, or same hormones (sex hormones ) can change a woman’s appearance to a male by hair growth and slimming their bodies to male like appearance, these are not completely transformed but half way.
An other crude form of sex change is illegal operations done by some medical practitioner by castrating their male genitalia and after that giving them hormones at least 50% of them die during or after those operations performed in substandard ,hidden places under un sterilized conditions and on the recommendations of local GURU’s by their confident Dr. half of them die due to Tetanus or some other serious infection and sepsis in very miserably, this is being done in Pakistan and India at many places and mostly young boys attached and attracted to lives of Khawaja seras are brain washed and they willingly consent and arrange money for such operations and rituals are performed before and after the success full make over, whole thing is strictly kept secret even if he or she dies.
We are socially inept nation and full of many types of Taboos , we still see homosexuality as disease while science proves it a genetically determined condition, any genetic condition is not disease, social and surrounding environment determines one’s personality up bringing , we are afraid to talk on issue which is endemic to our every town, village, city or Mohalla !! Hundreds of children and adolescents are raped daily willingly or un willingly in length & breadth of Pakistan.
An other picture of Khawaja seras in front of Lahore Press club.

Its high time to take many issues in to account including ones we called taboos.. like our able ministry of Social welfare and Special education should take the rehabilitation of those unfortunate human beings in to their list of beneficiaries, its high time now that we start taking serious note of plight of fellow beings.
A media campaign should be run in print & electronic media for general public awareness, that if a child should have abnormal genitalia it should be examined by an expert Pediatrician and child surgeon many of these conditions after genital and genetic examinations can be modified and many of them can live a comparatively normal life.
All children regardless of sex and status screened for atleast 10 diseases which is practiced internationally ,that will drastically reduce our rate of mental and other disabilities, NA should pass the regulations in this regard and every new born should be screened in first month of his life and every new born should be seen by Pediatrician and his or her genitalia should be examined.
All Pregnant ladies should be examined routinely for fetal developmental abnormalities and they should have right to terminate pregnancy if the child has gross malformations and his future life is heavily dependent , his parents should have right to terminate that child legally.
All fetuses and new born should be genetically examined for occult syndromes.
First step in the right direction will save many lives and will reduce not only our populations of handicapped, which is unfortunately one of the highest in the world , also will decrease the populations of wandering eunuchs.
Also is needed curbs on illegal surgical measures, which are being done by non qualified quacks for sex change , that is crime against humanity, many of the young males(genetically) or females (genetically) does offer huge monies to these under ground quacks and many die after the surgery due to complications of rough procedures and septic techniques, its horrible and pain full death which should be controlled by government.
Those were few preventive measures, this social evil needs curative measures too for that Social acceptance, registrations and equal rights , vocational trainings and respectable jobs are some aspects of therapeutics.
Concerned ministry is authorized to start a pilot project and start today, its never too late for a good deed to do.

Add pictures of eunuchs in different poses, including those I am sending.