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Monday, July 16, 2007

Solution to a grave problem

Saga of Lal Masjid ended in the confusion created by the government by killing and hiding scores of innocent bodies, mostly children and women of undefined ages , since than it is hard for government to hide bodies from searching parents, relatives and journalists… it has labeled scores of blames on government which are hard to rectify by authorities…. Official score of government is maximum 103 by D.C Islamabad, while security forces spokes man stops at 75, Mr. Edhi said he was ordered to supply 800 coffins and same amount asked from different sources , some journalists printed reports in their Newspapers that they have seen 2 bodies in one coffin (JINNAH) and there are at least two cold storages which were full of mangoes , vacated to fill with bodies. Stench in I/10-3 cold storage area tell some thing else,
The way journalists visited the demolished mosque and adjacent Seminary Jamia Hifsa’s cleaned parts, most of them broke down during the visit of area, even it was meticulously cleaned and washed with chemicals, every bullet mark on walls was crying on his mark. Dump of ammunition found was also a show for journalists who were astonished to see rockets, launchers and hand grenades, suicide bombing belts, detonators in ample amounts to kill few hundreds of troops at least, they were speechless to ask if they had this much of ammunition, why they shied away from using it on hostile forces when they knew they were going to kill them any way…this fact was very much known to Maulana Aziz who on very next day came out in Burqa !!! it was his calculated move , he was not trying to flee away in disguise but he came out among girls in burqa so that No one should open fire on him in presence of girls and media and he succeeded in his plan, jokes and humiliation he suffered after wards is not greater than price of his life & he knew the consequences even his brother late Rasheed Ahmed never tried to take harsh stands he was ready to surrender till the last moment in hope of creating soft corners but his days were over , government was adamant from very first day to kill every proof of involvement, Ministers involved in the last day talks already knew the end result, now they are shading crocodiles tears, on tv screens !!!
Hundreds of parents are roaming door to door in capital, asking for their children who were inside seminary at the time of siege and operation they have no clue where they went do they evaporate! They are not among catch and kill so where they are! there is one stroke increase in missing persons lists which is already a big question mark on face of authorities, each missing child or girl from remote villages and places of NWFP & Azad Kashmir and Potohar is sowing seeds of hatred towards government and terrorist organizations are taking full advantage of situation making more girm against this Government.
Since Operation SILENCE or Rising Sun what ever was its code name has proven to be a massive credibility blow to the authorities more than it has ever imagined , only yesterday 49 troops were killed in NWFP and tribal belts and situation is going from bad to worst since operation ended.. why we can not foresee which is already proven by American War on terror in Iraq & Afghanistan does it ended ! it has only piled more bodies more hatred & more militancy , once it is started by authorities it has spread its wings all over Pakistan, fortunately it is lesser in Punjab and Baluchistan and least in Sindh yet, two of our provinces are nearly demolished by floods and one by terrorism only one is half secure that is Punjab but there are pockets of militancy in it too, all banned organizations have strong base in Punjab but it is dormant yet not dead, sleeping volcano can awake any time sensing weakness on the part of authorities.
We are in trouble from all sides economical jugglery of words and numerical can not help us in real development but on ground reality of massive poverty , increasing law & order is going to cost us much of our face !
It is time to re think policy of violence by authorities , matter can be solved by political will and sincerity by the government, it is better for Government of dictator to accept the responsibility of killings of children and women in LAL MASJID and Jamia Hifsa and came out with number of casualities and ask pardon for their wrong doings from 160million Pakistanis and families of affected parents. It will defuse the environment immediately and save forces from multiplying hatred in people against security forces, if one has sense of history he can go through to see what has happened in the past in East Pakistan, we do not want this again & want to see Pakistan prosper not going backwards, this period is not 1960s it is way ahead you can not hide facts from public as national and international media is there and they report in competition to win battles against time for reporting facts!
The government basically can not see what an ordinary civilian is seeing on radio, TV and papers or internet, please see writings on the wall , there is no Time machine which can take us back in time to correct our mistakes!! And time is running fast since indefinite periods went and coming ahead…!