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Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Rain plays Havoc with lives in Sindh And Baluchistan
Apathy of Governmental and Public sectors !!!
October 2005 is not distant past when earth quack rocked early morning Northern Pakistan just leass than 60 second tremors rocked whole area up side down, I was going to drop my father at Rawalpindi Station, near Gwal mandi bridge my car was dragged from one side of road to an other & I just under stood that was a huge tremor , I have seen few of them in Islamabad in past 18 years but constant rocking forced me to park the car and step a side with my father whole world was spining & sky was full of Birds, what happened after that is known to every one next day at evening I was at Batrasi Cadet college at out skirts of Mansehra on 9th October......and than was asked to run damaged hospital of Garhi Habib ullah with a group of scouts already working and camping at the gate of totally damaged hospital , for next 15 days I have witnessed best spirits of people from all walks of lives from inside and out side Pakistan.
Every one has served with out political or material gains in those initial days of calamity , I was recieving at least one truck daily full of Medicines or accessories from un known sources and that spirit continued for many many days and months for many people , it was later when officials and their agencies started their juglaries !!
in nearly less than two years this is second bigger disaster which may be less in number of casualities but is much more bigger in terms of devastation October 2005 quack was a 60 second disaster but this is on going fear , hunger and continuos suffering experience for those who are dealing with it... since last five or four days water is eroding every thing homes, schools and what ever comes in its way... with very rapid cyclonic down pouring just imagine what will be going on the minds of people among them children and women experiencing rain leashing all sorts fears in their minds and bodies !!!
still their is prediction of more rains and flesh floods in baluchiostan and sindh...!!!
Baluchistan is nearly 44% of Pakistan in terms of land and nearly 70% percent of it is affectted.
than there is coastal line of nearly 1700 Kms from Badin to Gawadar , but Naushki is quite far away from Coastal area , so is Jacob abad, shahdad kot & qambar distrcits of sindh , at least 8 districts of sindh and 9 districts of Baluchistan are deadly affected with worst ever Rains and floods in dry ravines which are roaring and roaming in other wise barren terrains of Baluchistan and Sindh at least 2 Million people are affecttted in those areas and 200 casualities are reported in baluchistan and 100 in Sindh so far 500 to 600 people are lost so far .......( official figures).
till last three days 02 helicopters and 02 C 130 planes were offcially supplying food and ration supplies to affectees !! it is just unimaginable that area as big as half Pakistan can be covered with 2 0r 4 Helicopters , people are stranded in villages scattred over 200,000 sq Km just in Baluchistan , many of them are sitting over roof tops of Mosques (being only cemented building in a traditional Sindhi or Baluch village) since 04 days now with no foods and eatable, surrounded by 8 to 10 feet water , their homes and animals drown and destroyed long ago.....their only hope is Government and Aid that will come to their help !!! which is no where in sight 2 or 10 helicopter will never reach many of them.. !!
Government's apathy is remarkable but understandable as their is no hue and cry in international Media on this disaster as was in 2005 and theird day our Sarkar realized they had hit a jack pot called earth quack and started taking steps to control every aid coming to pakistan ... in camparison to this this cyclone was informed but it will devastate the areas like sibbi , naushki , Shahdad kot and Qambar as far 1200 Kms from sea and in deep arid zones of Sindh and Baluchistan !! in addittio to coastal line ... what makes me wonder is apathy and indifferance of people of Pakistan from Karachi top Khyber they are watching every news in media and Tv channels and they know the devastation which has hit the poorest areas of our land but nearly a weak of damage and still under threat from more rains , no one has shown spirit which should be there and Aids flown or sent by land to areas stranded......!!!!!
it seems that increasing prices , political and social plus economical turmoils in past two years has taken our human element out of our hearts......till we realize or start gathering strength to help those who need it now , I fear that more will die of hunger and epidemics than Rains and cyclone did...... Silent sufi

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