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Friday, July 13, 2007


all who live in Islamabad have blood stained faces !!!

this is muneer Niazi . one of his lines are :

is mulk pe aasaib ka saaya hai ya kia hai?

k harkat tez tar hai aur safar aahista aahista !!!

he was true to the core when security forces in the name of enlightenment killed 1000 or more inncocent students of Lal Masjid seminary inb Islamabad. whole city was under seige for last 10 days and still is as areas around mashid were directly under cordon but which were not adjacent to mosque were also hit badly as bank and ATMs remained close till the filling of this write up... still there is curfew in G6 and bodies are burning inside mosque and madarasah..... many parents are searching thier kids since last 10days , they are no where .. neither in dead or in livings... nor in wounded nay in captured ....where did they go they seem to evaporate with out leaving a trace!!!!!
scores of killed bodies were being eaten on the ceiling of mosque & madarsah by birds and animals in near by Nullah as detailled by witnesees ... only a part of complex was shown to journalists and still smoke was coming out from some parts .... government claim of 73 deaths in all seems an other lie ....!
whole capital is watching in disbelief , each corner of this controlled city is smelling blood , mutilated bodies of innocent students !!!!!
No one in government is explaining relation of agencies to GHAZI brothers , invovement of Aijaz ul haq with them who saved Rashid ghazi, when he was arrestted with illegal ammunition!!!
journalista were shown lot of bombs, rocket launchers , suicide jackets, rpgs etc etc if they had this much MAAl inside why they shied to use it!!!
they kept booby traps and rockets inside to show Media after death !!!
I want to ask only one thing I accept every thing Government says about Mosque and terrorists inside role of Ghazi brothers and their end as was planned.......but where are 4thousand plus boys and Girls students only less than 2000 came out and where are others and their bodies if only 73 were killed and what was their fault !!!
they were innocent as my children are , they were not sent by their poor parents to kill or get killed , why they were killed , they could have chance of rehabilitation !!
super power has failled top curb hatred and terrorism in world against them can our government with no means eradicate hatred they are sowing in common men's mind !!!!
thousand parents are looking for their missing children after operation and we are burying 3 or 4 bodies in each coffin is this Islam our enlightened government projecting.... among its own subjects.....!!
Missing children are persumed dead by their relatives and one thousand families in northern pakistan are in mourning state the hatred it will generate against government and Army will effect ten times more population and MAN who wants to reign for ever will succumb to his own deeds and clock has already started ticking........ .
He can survive Cheif Justice , he can survive our corupt and power hungry politicians no matter they make thousands of APCs or alliances buty he can not survive growing hatred he had him self generated in people in one night only by killing innocent children girls and boys of Lal masjid and its seminaries.....!!!!
silent sufi

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