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Thursday, May 31, 2007

What is this?

I am living in Islamabad twin cities since 1988 but I love Rawalpindi more than Islamabad because it is more like a city than Islamabad and it has some flavor of Hyderabad , hence it is always that at least I will once drive into pindi’s bustling roads and bazaars to quench my thirst for city life.
it is since last two years or so that Beggars (whose numbers were limited) that were always on the roads , speed breakers and halts but than since last two years you have started seen the professional beggars with wipers and other tricks to get some money out of your pocket, but what I am seeing since last one years or less there are small kids who look from middle class house holds they are there on these halts every where and this situation is heartening, I liked to cry when a Girl aged about 6 or 7 years just like my own daughter came to my window and said please give some rupees , khuda ki qasam khana nahin khaya subh say!!!! Tears came to my eyes, I refused to talk to her and what ever was in my pocket I kept on her small hands and moved away ??
Reading daily in papers that poverty is reducing in country ! which country they are talking about ??
Where are those poor turned in to middle class?? It seems we are getting more middle class in to poor, more poor below poverty line every day.. it is quoted from Hz. Umar the second khaliph , that if even one dog sleeps hungry on the banks (as far as) of FIRAAT or Dajla I will be accounted for, Hw can I sleep a sound sleep than!!! I wonder how our beloved monster like president & Casanova Prime Minister (shame on him) sleeps in these circumstances? does he has any acumen what is happening on our roads and hamlets , Pindi is city which we both share has he ever seen this shame full naked example of poverty , does he realizes what is going on in his country where his security engulfs billions of Rupees per annum and an innocent fairy like girl was begging at mid night on the Chandni chowk !!!
Our ruling elite and their families does not know the price of living in today’s Pakistan does they ?? I bet they does not, if they know they can not translate it in their minds while an officer of grade 17, 18 ,19 or 20 can not live honestly how can a clerk, naibqasid and a small vendor !!
Resultant debit is increasing in every one’s life , not only our Government is debit infested but each and every one among us is heavily under one or other sorts of debit and now another cyclone has to strike in few days, its of annual budget which will be as always tax free as were there previous! No new Taxes will be announced!!! But it will indirectly crush us under more taxes (direct also) , more debits and more dis- honesties!!!!!!!
Does General so & so have any Idea what he has done to us? if he ever come to know that how many mothers have sold their bodies to get one times meal for their kids or taken prostitution as profession to fulfill needs of their homes than if he is a human being he should go mad!! Has he this type of courage in him self ?? I don’t think so that any of our rulers has this material in them by default…. They are in soluble plastics of a material, super human beings and there eyes are on bigger cause of moving Pakistan to the ranks of developed nations which they will do by making half of country impotent and half of ladies prostitutes!! Isn’t it????

The fact is legitimacy of rules and fear of public which our rulers never inherited , they have enslaved this nation since 1958 and remain in power since than except when they humiliated whole nation by breaking half of country in a willfully lost war with India in 1971 they left civilian Prime Minister to rule just for next few years but could not bear it any longer and he was removed unceremoniously in coup and hanged for his services for saving nation, restoring its lost pride , getting back all areas captured by enemy , launching Atomic programme, giving Unified constitution , Shimla Accord, releasing POWs with out paying an extra cost and many more visionary acts which we can only dream in a Dictators regimes..
contrary to this what we have got in thirty some thing year’s direct Military rule is exactly opposite to what was achieved in five years of Civil rule for example ethnicity is unparallel to any thing in the past Karachi and whole Sindh is under direct rule of Terrorist organization and whole Sindh is being held hostage at Gun point and incidents of 12thMay 2007 has proven this live to whole world, their most notorious Terrorist is Governor of Sindh and a character less person who tops foul mouthing is CM of that unfortunate province. There is Heroin and Kalashnikov’s at every nook and corner of the country . NWFP is in grip of Talbanization claims of success in war of terror are just a façade….. dozens of innocent citizens were implicated in false cases and handed over to notorious Guatanamo bay prison just to get Bounty from states and fill pockets of generals , this an other shame full scandal on President he has received Billions of dollars for Alqaida and Taliban captured by Pakistani agencies and Army and received money from USA authorities & there is no record available of those payments which should have been deposited in Government kitty and spent for welfare of people of PAKISTAN ! the money received went to whome??
Baluchistan and WAziristanare under serious threats of crimes against humanity.. only few percent cronies of General are getting richer and richer , half a million Army in a nation of 157 orphans is living in Paradise and remaining 156.5 million people has to suffer at their cost……
How long Asian development Bank ,IMF & World Bank has to dictate terms up to the levels that they make budgets for us and our Finance Minister just read them in assembly with out adding a small comma to original draft given to them by Bank managers….!! They add only poems to add spice to their drafts……

Gifts of Dictatorial rules are countless to this nation and nation can witness mushrooming Defence residential schemes, monopoly of defence related busnesses on many a trades , seepage of inefficient army officers into civilian departments and end less corruption , We stand lower than we were before October 1999 standings of corruption and crimes against humanity today…. Now they have decided to ruin our only sane institute of Justice to bulldoze last straw of sanity among us .
But the girl like Ayesha my daughter asking for one meal on the roads of PINDI at midnight is haunting in my thoughts her words are killing me , she is not alone , count less families are committing suicides due to economic reasons one who can not is taking begging and prostitution as professions if can not snatch mobiles and pockets on streets.
it will be good an idea for our enlightened Government to introduce “ Child prostitution ‘ as speciality for VIST PAKISTAN YEAR 2007.!!!!!! i think rulers will gladly accept this proposal of utmost shame because they had any we wont dare this to offer...!

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