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Wednesday, June 06, 2007


Only one Pakistani politician stands out among a lot of professionals and career politicians and certainly every one has noted his stand and extremely vocal standings on ethical issues. He is Ex skipper of Pakistan cricket team who has done his politics on Principles since he joined the dirty Politics of mother land.
In Pakistan politicians are always cronies of establishment in one way or other, they have to be in good books of establishment to come to power, if one can not compromise he will always remain like RasoolBux palejo or Jam Saqi or if he has his own ideas he will be hanged like Zulifikar Ali Bhutto!!
In recent past we have seen making and breaking of many a puppets , we all have witnessed rise and fall of Nawaz Sharif from a non entity to Prime Minister of Pakistan and than with his slight hint of autocracy and try to rule country at his will not only cost him his chair but he was lucky to manipulate his contacts in running away from enlightened General (Jan Bachana Sunnat Hai) since than he has successfully proved his mettle in today’s local politics.
Nawaz ‘s exile also proves that if you are alive you can re fashion your principles unlike Z.A.B who remain in delusion that Zia has no balls to kill a person and legend like him, while Zia proved that no thing is indispensable in the eyes of an AMEER UL MOMNIN.(more than half of our checkered history is ruled by either self claimed Field marshals, Ameer ul momnins and enlightened moderators, time is not far when we will have an maiden um ul momnin in power because our Army has started producing lady Generals too!!)
Any way while PPP is romancing with General by playing deal! No Deal!! Only person who is fighting on principles and remains advocate of democracy, judicial supremacy since day one is Imran Khan. He started his politics after retiring from cricket and establishing Shaukat Khanum Cancer Hospital , He left cricket (most of our Great cricketers were kicked out from team first they announced retirement later, most recent example is MAULVI INZEMAM) when he could easily play one or two years only as a Batsman, his bowling was slowed over due to age but he has excelled as batsman and when he retired he was one of the most dependable batsman in our always unreliable team. It was Imran who had guts of analyzing and taking bold risks in game , his strategy paid in 1984 when his cornered tigers won World cup, since his retirement our Cricket and our politics are matching, His cricket career and Leader ship skills are dependable he is proving himself a Character in Pakistani politics.
The difference between Imran and rest of political players is same as when he was captain, before him and after him we are yet to find a Captain like Imran and a sportsman like him, unfortunately there is no one.
He did commit a few mistakes in initial phase by supporting Dictatorial regime , but he was quick to refuse the General when he realized that General is not serious in his commitments with nation and soon it was proved when General has soon forgot his words like his predecessors, who also promised to conduct elections in 90 days and went on to rule indefinitely until he was finally called from skies, he was so quick to move that he left not a single tissue on land and his colleagues have to complete his weight with lot of artistry !!!
Imran since his mistakes and reconciliation is most vocal of all politicians on ethics, judiciary and for restoration of democracy which means democracy without interference of hidden forces, respect to people’s mandate and who so ever wins should come to power, he is also strongest advocate of transparency in state affairs and I strongly believe that he is worth his words !!
In last elections he won only one seat for himself in national assembly but he has been equivalent to one hundred seats and he has given his opinion with out mincing his words, his rise to one of the most popular political leaders in recent months, post 9th March is recognition of fact that finally People of Pakistan are respecting his point of view and his struggle for the restoration of true democracy in Pakistan.
Against him our other most popular politicians have only one aim in life and its to make it to power by hook or by crook , exiled leader of PPP wants to be Prime Minister once again at any price her Principles melts for chair , she can live with an army General as her boss if she is allowed to take chair in place of Casanova/ lady killer Shoukat Aziz.
An other Prime Minister of This country who ran away under deal is playing very hard line against General & seems to be under psychological hatred against him due to personal reasons, the way he was mauled, embarrassed , removed and tortured by the current dictator and his cronies ,has embossed deep scars on the psyche of ex-PM , who him self was and is product of establishment , he was groomed and nurtured to make it to power by Punjabi establishment (Civil and Military) to scratch PPP and its vote bank.
But one thing is for good we have got a good Politician out of his hard ship and I will like to see Nawaz sharif in Pakistan to play his role as positively as he is now a days but his past mistakes have cost us a lot , the present state of affairs in Pakistan is due to their childish rule twice in seat of Prime Ministers of this country Both exiled Leaders have played like Jokers in politics and they ran this nation’s affairs like a typical Punjabi Movie of GUJJAR clan !!
The Best change in recent years in politics of Pakistan is Imran Khan who has emerged like a winning horse in recent judicial crises,after his initial mistakes he has learnt to rectify them , he is straight forward , he likes to play on front foot , he has learnt to play his strokes and now he knows when to check hitting and when to let loose…
His stance against a terrorist Organization, who was trying to play as a nation wide political force with the help of General is his best work up to date.
After 12th may carnage at Karachi every one in Pakistan came to see their real face and psychopathic style of Terrorism , it will be subject of separate write up for MQM but I am happy that they have shown their true face to whole nation, it was only known to people living in Sindh which are being hunted physically , financially and psychologically since MQM came to exist in urban Sindh. Before 1999 coup, it was only an ethinic organization who ruled Karachi by their gangster like torture cells and dark rule over country’s financial nerve centre, In past years they were quite because they were given free hand to plunder whole sindh than just Mohajir dominated areas of Karachi and Hyderabad , this government has closed both his eyes to Sindh and there is a contract between establishment & terrorists that they should plunder 4crore Sindhis at will.
After Bengal perhaps Sindhis and Baluchis are animals left over in remaining Pakistan who has no right to rule even in their provinces, Party who wins elections is forced to sit in opposition, One Seaters are partners with Terrorists.
MQM has strangled whole Sindh and its 04 crore inmates , out of it 3 crore sindhis are being punished for vote to Pakistan since 1983 MQM has made their life miserable, before that they were suffering from Pir, Wadera shahi and inefficient, corrupt leader ship but they were lesser evils now they have combined hands with a ethinically sick organization , who showed their actual face to remaining Pakistan on 12 May , while sindhis are facing every day a 12th May in their own homes at the hands of MQM and Arbabs……not to mention other forces of operssion.
Imran has towered his stature in the eyes of Sindhis because no one among sindhis leaders has ever dared to touch their No go areas accept brief period of PPP operation under Naseer ullah Babar and Nawaz sharif’s operations , they have not challenged their BIHARI style of politics and Bombay Style of gangsterism in their areas of jurisdiction
Every child in sindh knows their style of politics and in past eight years they were calm because they have whole sindh to extort and strangle , thanks to enlightened moderation , 70%of sindhis have no means to eat a three times meal, they are getting progressively annoyed with federal parties and turning to local groups and nationalist parties based on ethinic and separatist lines, which are dangerous for federation but people like Imran are needed to wage a war against those Terrorist out fits so that sindhis should look up to them for their cause and justice , time will prove if fare Elections held any where near future than Tehrik- i- Insaaf will get a lion’s share in sindh Politics if He continues his just struggle against MQM..


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