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Monday, July 16, 2007

Solution to a grave problem

Saga of Lal Masjid ended in the confusion created by the government by killing and hiding scores of innocent bodies, mostly children and women of undefined ages , since than it is hard for government to hide bodies from searching parents, relatives and journalists… it has labeled scores of blames on government which are hard to rectify by authorities…. Official score of government is maximum 103 by D.C Islamabad, while security forces spokes man stops at 75, Mr. Edhi said he was ordered to supply 800 coffins and same amount asked from different sources , some journalists printed reports in their Newspapers that they have seen 2 bodies in one coffin (JINNAH) and there are at least two cold storages which were full of mangoes , vacated to fill with bodies. Stench in I/10-3 cold storage area tell some thing else,
The way journalists visited the demolished mosque and adjacent Seminary Jamia Hifsa’s cleaned parts, most of them broke down during the visit of area, even it was meticulously cleaned and washed with chemicals, every bullet mark on walls was crying on his mark. Dump of ammunition found was also a show for journalists who were astonished to see rockets, launchers and hand grenades, suicide bombing belts, detonators in ample amounts to kill few hundreds of troops at least, they were speechless to ask if they had this much of ammunition, why they shied away from using it on hostile forces when they knew they were going to kill them any way…this fact was very much known to Maulana Aziz who on very next day came out in Burqa !!! it was his calculated move , he was not trying to flee away in disguise but he came out among girls in burqa so that No one should open fire on him in presence of girls and media and he succeeded in his plan, jokes and humiliation he suffered after wards is not greater than price of his life & he knew the consequences even his brother late Rasheed Ahmed never tried to take harsh stands he was ready to surrender till the last moment in hope of creating soft corners but his days were over , government was adamant from very first day to kill every proof of involvement, Ministers involved in the last day talks already knew the end result, now they are shading crocodiles tears, on tv screens !!!
Hundreds of parents are roaming door to door in capital, asking for their children who were inside seminary at the time of siege and operation they have no clue where they went do they evaporate! They are not among catch and kill so where they are! there is one stroke increase in missing persons lists which is already a big question mark on face of authorities, each missing child or girl from remote villages and places of NWFP & Azad Kashmir and Potohar is sowing seeds of hatred towards government and terrorist organizations are taking full advantage of situation making more girm against this Government.
Since Operation SILENCE or Rising Sun what ever was its code name has proven to be a massive credibility blow to the authorities more than it has ever imagined , only yesterday 49 troops were killed in NWFP and tribal belts and situation is going from bad to worst since operation ended.. why we can not foresee which is already proven by American War on terror in Iraq & Afghanistan does it ended ! it has only piled more bodies more hatred & more militancy , once it is started by authorities it has spread its wings all over Pakistan, fortunately it is lesser in Punjab and Baluchistan and least in Sindh yet, two of our provinces are nearly demolished by floods and one by terrorism only one is half secure that is Punjab but there are pockets of militancy in it too, all banned organizations have strong base in Punjab but it is dormant yet not dead, sleeping volcano can awake any time sensing weakness on the part of authorities.
We are in trouble from all sides economical jugglery of words and numerical can not help us in real development but on ground reality of massive poverty , increasing law & order is going to cost us much of our face !
It is time to re think policy of violence by authorities , matter can be solved by political will and sincerity by the government, it is better for Government of dictator to accept the responsibility of killings of children and women in LAL MASJID and Jamia Hifsa and came out with number of casualities and ask pardon for their wrong doings from 160million Pakistanis and families of affected parents. It will defuse the environment immediately and save forces from multiplying hatred in people against security forces, if one has sense of history he can go through to see what has happened in the past in East Pakistan, we do not want this again & want to see Pakistan prosper not going backwards, this period is not 1960s it is way ahead you can not hide facts from public as national and international media is there and they report in competition to win battles against time for reporting facts!
The government basically can not see what an ordinary civilian is seeing on radio, TV and papers or internet, please see writings on the wall , there is no Time machine which can take us back in time to correct our mistakes!! And time is running fast since indefinite periods went and coming ahead…!

Friday, July 13, 2007


all who live in Islamabad have blood stained faces !!!

this is muneer Niazi . one of his lines are :

is mulk pe aasaib ka saaya hai ya kia hai?

k harkat tez tar hai aur safar aahista aahista !!!

he was true to the core when security forces in the name of enlightenment killed 1000 or more inncocent students of Lal Masjid seminary inb Islamabad. whole city was under seige for last 10 days and still is as areas around mashid were directly under cordon but which were not adjacent to mosque were also hit badly as bank and ATMs remained close till the filling of this write up... still there is curfew in G6 and bodies are burning inside mosque and madarasah..... many parents are searching thier kids since last 10days , they are no where .. neither in dead or in livings... nor in wounded nay in captured ....where did they go they seem to evaporate with out leaving a trace!!!!!
scores of killed bodies were being eaten on the ceiling of mosque & madarsah by birds and animals in near by Nullah as detailled by witnesees ... only a part of complex was shown to journalists and still smoke was coming out from some parts .... government claim of 73 deaths in all seems an other lie ....!
whole capital is watching in disbelief , each corner of this controlled city is smelling blood , mutilated bodies of innocent students !!!!!
No one in government is explaining relation of agencies to GHAZI brothers , invovement of Aijaz ul haq with them who saved Rashid ghazi, when he was arrestted with illegal ammunition!!!
journalista were shown lot of bombs, rocket launchers , suicide jackets, rpgs etc etc if they had this much MAAl inside why they shied to use it!!!
they kept booby traps and rockets inside to show Media after death !!!
I want to ask only one thing I accept every thing Government says about Mosque and terrorists inside role of Ghazi brothers and their end as was planned.......but where are 4thousand plus boys and Girls students only less than 2000 came out and where are others and their bodies if only 73 were killed and what was their fault !!!
they were innocent as my children are , they were not sent by their poor parents to kill or get killed , why they were killed , they could have chance of rehabilitation !!
super power has failled top curb hatred and terrorism in world against them can our government with no means eradicate hatred they are sowing in common men's mind !!!!
thousand parents are looking for their missing children after operation and we are burying 3 or 4 bodies in each coffin is this Islam our enlightened government projecting.... among its own subjects.....!!
Missing children are persumed dead by their relatives and one thousand families in northern pakistan are in mourning state the hatred it will generate against government and Army will effect ten times more population and MAN who wants to reign for ever will succumb to his own deeds and clock has already started ticking........ .
He can survive Cheif Justice , he can survive our corupt and power hungry politicians no matter they make thousands of APCs or alliances buty he can not survive growing hatred he had him self generated in people in one night only by killing innocent children girls and boys of Lal masjid and its seminaries.....!!!!
silent sufi

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Rain plays Havoc with lives in Sindh And Baluchistan
Apathy of Governmental and Public sectors !!!
October 2005 is not distant past when earth quack rocked early morning Northern Pakistan just leass than 60 second tremors rocked whole area up side down, I was going to drop my father at Rawalpindi Station, near Gwal mandi bridge my car was dragged from one side of road to an other & I just under stood that was a huge tremor , I have seen few of them in Islamabad in past 18 years but constant rocking forced me to park the car and step a side with my father whole world was spining & sky was full of Birds, what happened after that is known to every one next day at evening I was at Batrasi Cadet college at out skirts of Mansehra on 9th October......and than was asked to run damaged hospital of Garhi Habib ullah with a group of scouts already working and camping at the gate of totally damaged hospital , for next 15 days I have witnessed best spirits of people from all walks of lives from inside and out side Pakistan.
Every one has served with out political or material gains in those initial days of calamity , I was recieving at least one truck daily full of Medicines or accessories from un known sources and that spirit continued for many many days and months for many people , it was later when officials and their agencies started their juglaries !!
in nearly less than two years this is second bigger disaster which may be less in number of casualities but is much more bigger in terms of devastation October 2005 quack was a 60 second disaster but this is on going fear , hunger and continuos suffering experience for those who are dealing with it... since last five or four days water is eroding every thing homes, schools and what ever comes in its way... with very rapid cyclonic down pouring just imagine what will be going on the minds of people among them children and women experiencing rain leashing all sorts fears in their minds and bodies !!!
still their is prediction of more rains and flesh floods in baluchiostan and sindh...!!!
Baluchistan is nearly 44% of Pakistan in terms of land and nearly 70% percent of it is affectted.
than there is coastal line of nearly 1700 Kms from Badin to Gawadar , but Naushki is quite far away from Coastal area , so is Jacob abad, shahdad kot & qambar distrcits of sindh , at least 8 districts of sindh and 9 districts of Baluchistan are deadly affected with worst ever Rains and floods in dry ravines which are roaring and roaming in other wise barren terrains of Baluchistan and Sindh at least 2 Million people are affecttted in those areas and 200 casualities are reported in baluchistan and 100 in Sindh so far 500 to 600 people are lost so far .......( official figures).
till last three days 02 helicopters and 02 C 130 planes were offcially supplying food and ration supplies to affectees !! it is just unimaginable that area as big as half Pakistan can be covered with 2 0r 4 Helicopters , people are stranded in villages scattred over 200,000 sq Km just in Baluchistan , many of them are sitting over roof tops of Mosques (being only cemented building in a traditional Sindhi or Baluch village) since 04 days now with no foods and eatable, surrounded by 8 to 10 feet water , their homes and animals drown and destroyed long ago.....their only hope is Government and Aid that will come to their help !!! which is no where in sight 2 or 10 helicopter will never reach many of them.. !!
Government's apathy is remarkable but understandable as their is no hue and cry in international Media on this disaster as was in 2005 and theird day our Sarkar realized they had hit a jack pot called earth quack and started taking steps to control every aid coming to pakistan ... in camparison to this this cyclone was informed but it will devastate the areas like sibbi , naushki , Shahdad kot and Qambar as far 1200 Kms from sea and in deep arid zones of Sindh and Baluchistan !! in addittio to coastal line ... what makes me wonder is apathy and indifferance of people of Pakistan from Karachi top Khyber they are watching every news in media and Tv channels and they know the devastation which has hit the poorest areas of our land but nearly a weak of damage and still under threat from more rains , no one has shown spirit which should be there and Aids flown or sent by land to areas stranded......!!!!!
it seems that increasing prices , political and social plus economical turmoils in past two years has taken our human element out of our hearts......till we realize or start gathering strength to help those who need it now , I fear that more will die of hunger and epidemics than Rains and cyclone did...... Silent sufi