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Monday, August 20, 2007

Kidney Trade
Pakistan is World Leader

We have lost the thin line between Ethical and non Ethical, at every step and corner of our lives. Every one among us wants to earn billions and that too in shortest possible time and way. We kill for money, even officially we killed many people just to get 5000USD for one killed or captured Al-Qaida or Taliban activist, many a innocent people has been killed or given to US forces of terror just to please our masters , Our Army is called Bounty Hunters in international circles, Pakistan is largest contributor of forces for UN Peace mission , sole motive is money for sending forces every where in world. Our Politicians have no Ideological farces they can change loyalties more faster than our President changes his stand!
Our Politicians once in Power, there only motive is to show their powers and earn as much dollars as he or she can, they are masters of white collar crimes & untouchables. General public does what their superiors do, every one at his stature is more corrupt than his predecessor!!
Medical Profession is one of the most noble of all professions, our doctors has turned it into most ugliest of all trades (Personally I do not think it as profession, it is a service, Art and religion for me & few others with same inborn error, for us it is motorway to NIRVANA.) every other Dr is mal practicing one way or other , getting commissions from laboratories and adjacent Medical stores, Prescribing un due medicines and spreading Hepatitis, just to earn more money and rise their Financialstatus.
Now since last decade or two, we have earned our reputation as ORGAN TRADERS, and with grace of god and our inclination to every thing bad, we are among top few illegal trade centers of the world!
Pakistan is among five top illegal Kidney suppliers, Doctors in this business are billionaires, they are untouchables and fairly practicing angles like Dr. Adeeb ul Hassan Rizvi has no say when they want to formulate a bill on Organ trade, because Government wants to legalize the trade not banning it on strict terms. They want to BAN on selling on the face but there will be no restriction on DONATIONS!!
A debit ridden peasant will donate kidney to huge Arab Sheikh from oil rich Gulf state or from America a GORA sahib will come to Pakistan after deal is matured on internet or through middle man which is mostly a Doctor working as agent in Middle east or in States or European country, the deal pays them handsomely while donor is paid just 20 to 50 thousand Pakistani notes.
A village near Lahore called Sultan Pura has almost its all adults males sold their one kidney! There are cases of organ theft in private hospitals, patients admitted with one problem or accidents with some internal bleeding or even appendicitis are later come to know that some one has taken out their kidneys while operating for one thing or other.
There are cases of one going to some big city for some job and is lured by a woman , person takes her to hotel or goes to her place where he is drugged in drinks and when wakes up he found his kidney removed.
We are at our lowest ebb of ethics as doctors and as a society, Organ transplant bill is postponed again for reasons better known to government since last Ten years!
Dr Adib Ul Hassan Rizvi the known transplant surgeon of SIUT is vocal against governmental bill to curb organ transplantation which he says will open a legal avenues for illegal transplantation, which is a nearly 1 Billion rupees industry now a days. At least we are doing weekly 50 transplants in Lahore, Rawalpindi, Karachi and on average yearly 2000 transplants are being done in our country!! Out of which about 500 are legal and kidneys mostly donated by blood relatives!! Remaining 1500- 2000 are done illegal and donor is paid 20 to 50 thousand and most of the donors remain at loss and could not achieve what they dream after selling their Kidneys!! To pay debit or get free from bonded labor at farms or brick kilns wide spread in Punjab, this menace is yet not spread in sindh and Baluchistan where poverty is more severe than Punjab.
Pakistan seems to get popularity and progress in all things unethical and BAD, there is a powerful lobby which is resisting bill against organ trade even if it is tabled in assemblies it will be deformed enough to accommodate illegal trade and legalize it !!!
There is huge rackets involved in this trade and has direct involvement of retired Army generals mostly doctors. One of them is doing weekly 5 to 10 transplant right near the house of COAS in Rawalpindi and has agents all over the world and on internet, these agents are paid handsomely than Donors!! The Dr is untouchable because he is from forces and no one can question his ethics.
I have only mentioned about Kidney Transplantation but China ,Indonesia are already in business of Liver Transplant too , may be we will soon get involved in this type of Transplantation too, why these people come to Pakistan from at least 20 countries of World from Mid-east to north America? Answer is simple we have our agents there and cost of transplant is very high 40 to 50 thousand $ in these countries or donations from Blood relatives , which is only way to do it ethically from living relatives, or wait for cadaver donors, for that type of donations there is huge list of waiting people on dialysis, Going to Pakistan , India, China, Indonesia is very easy and cheap solution, they pay 10 to 20 thousand $ for whole business and go home healthy, they have no concern how they got it because they pay for it, like paying for a designer suit !!
Just today one jobless person’s story is surfaced in a paper who was robbed off his kidney for 1Million Rupees, in a Rawalpindi Cantt hospital by a Private surgeon, hospital belongs to a Rtd. General donor was paid 1Lac after operation and relieved from hospital in three days! Than no further money was given and an ASI of Police robbed him of his payment and poor man is with out a penny he lost his kidney in free, there are hundred of such stories if investigated when donors are given nothing or peanuts after his kidney is taken out.
Supreme Court and civil society should react strongly to curb this practice and cancel the Licenses of such Doctors who practice illegal kidney Transplantation!!
Transplant tourists must be discourage by society and these Doctors must be declared social out casts, we are earning bad names due to very few people, who think money is answer to all ills , they have already earned billions in this illegal trade and many more are joining this illegal and un ethical and un Islamic trade..if the things remain same soon we will be celebrating an other ”VISIT – PAKISTAN Year “ for transplant tourism and Government will organize Organ Bazaars like Sunday Bazaars to sell Kidneys, Liver, Lungs, Skin, Cornea and may be small infants as eating delicacy!!!!!!
Our Export Promotion Bureau will be organizing “Human Organ Trade Fairs” at potential buyers countries and run promotion campaigns on the grounds that our Kidneys and livers are best in world!! Don’t go for Indian or Chinese Kidney because ours is a Best one ! May God should show us Light……!! Silent Sufi.
as Ghalib Said " le aain gay bazaar se
Ja kar dil -o-Jaan Aur.
Kidney Trade
Pakistan is World Leader

We have lost the thin line between Ethical and non Ethical, at every step and corner of our lives. Every one among us wants to earn billions and that too in shortest possible time and way. We kill for money, even officially we killed many people just to get 5000USD for one killed or captured Al-Qaida or Taliban activist, many a innocent people has been killed or given to US forces of terror just to please our masters , Our Army is called Bounty Hunters in international circles, Pakistan is largest contributor of forces for UN Peace mission , sole motive is money for sending forces every where in world. Our Politicians have no Ideological farces they can change loyalties more faster than our President changes his stand!
Our Politicians once in Power, there only motive is to show their powers and earn as much dollars as he or she can, they are masters of white collar crimes & untouchables. General public does what their superiors do, every one at his stature is more corrupt than his predecessor!!
Medical Profession is one of the most noble of all professions, our doctors has turned it into most ugliest of all trades (Personally I do not think it as profession, it is a service, Art and religion for me & few others with same inborn error, for us it is motorway to NIRVANA.) every other Dr is mal practicing one way or other , getting commissions from laboratories and adjacent Medical stores, Prescribing un due medicines and spreading Hepatitis, just to earn more money and rise their Financialstatus.
Now since last decade or two, we have earned our reputation as ORGAN TRADERS, and with grace of god and our inclination to every thing bad, we are among top few illegal trade centers of the world!
Pakistan is among five top illegal Kidney suppliers, Doctors in this business are billionaires, they are untouchables and fairly practicing angles like Dr. Adeeb ul Hassan Rizvi has no say when they want to formulate a bill on Organ trade, because Government wants to legalize the trade not banning it on strict terms. They want to BAN on selling on the face but there will be no restriction on DONATIONS!!
A debit ridden peasant will donate kidney to huge Arab Sheikh from oil rich Gulf state or from America a GORA sahib will come to Pakistan after deal is matured on internet or through middle man which is mostly a Doctor working as agent in Middle east or in States or European country, the deal pays them handsomely while donor is paid just 20 to 50 thousand Pakistani notes.
A village near Lahore called Sultan Pura has almost its all adults males sold their one kidney! There are cases of organ theft in private hospitals, patients admitted with one problem or accidents with some internal bleeding or even appendicitis are later come to know that some one has taken out their kidneys while operating for one thing or other.
There are cases of one going to some big city for some job and is lured by a woman , person takes her to hotel or goes to her place where he is drugged in drinks and when wakes up he found his kidney removed.
We are at our lowest ebb of ethics as doctors and as a society, Organ transplant bill is postponed again for reasons better known to government since last Ten years!
Dr Adib Ul Hassan Rizvi the known transplant surgeon of SIUT is vocal against governmental bill to curb organ transplantation which he says will open a legal avenues for illegal transplantation, which is a nearly 1 Billion rupees industry now a days. At least we are doing weekly 50 transplants in Lahore, Rawalpindi, Karachi and on average yearly 2000 transplants are being done in our country!! Out of which about 500 are legal and kidneys mostly donated by blood relatives!! Remaining 1500- 2000 are done illegal and donor is paid 20 to 50 thousand and most of the donors remain at loss and could not achieve what they dream after selling their Kidneys!! To pay debit or get free from bonded labor at farms or brick kilns wide spread in Punjab, this menace is yet not spread in sindh and Baluchistan where poverty is more severe than Punjab.
Pakistan seems to get popularity and progress in all things unethical and BAD, there is a powerful lobby which is resisting bill against organ trade even if it is tabled in assemblies it will be deformed enough to accommodate illegal trade and legalize it !!!
There is huge rackets involved in this trade and has direct involvement of retired Army generals mostly doctors. One of them is doing weekly 5 to 10 transplant right near the house of COAS in Rawalpindi and has agents all over the world and on internet, these agents are paid handsomely than Donors!! The Dr is untouchable because he is from forces and no one can question his ethics.
I have only mentioned about Kidney Transplantation but China ,Indonesia are already in business of Liver Transplant too , may be we will soon get involved in this type of Transplantation too, why these people come to Pakistan from at least 20 countries of World from Mid-east to north America? Answer is simple we have our agents there and cost of transplant is very high 40 to 50 thousand $ in these countries or donations from Blood relatives , which is only way to do it ethically from living relatives, or wait for cadaver donors, for that type of donations there is huge list of waiting people on dialysis, Going to Pakistan , India, China, Indonesia is very easy and cheap solution, they pay 10 to 20 thousand $ for whole business and go home healthy, they have no concern how they got it because they pay for it, like paying for a designer suit !!
Just today one jobless person’s story is surfaced in a paper who was robbed off his kidney for 1Million Rupees, in a Rawalpindi Cantt hospital by a Private surgeon, hospital belongs to a Rtd. General donor was paid 1Lac after operation and relieved from hospital in three days! Than no further money was given and an ASI of Police robbed him of his payment and poor man is with out a penny he lost his kidney in free, there are hundred of such stories if investigated when donors are given nothing or peanuts after his kidney is taken out.
Supreme Court and civil society should react strongly to curb this practice and cancel the Licenses of such Doctors who practice illegal kidney Transplantation!!
Transplant tourists must be discourage by society and these Doctors must be declared social out casts, we are earning bad names due to very few people, who think money is answer to all ills , they have already earned billions in this illegal trade and many more are joining this illegal and un ethical and un Islamic trade..if the things remain same soon we will be celebrating an other ”VISIT – PAKISTAN Year “ for transplant tourism and Government will organize Organ Bazaars like Sunday Bazaars to sell Kidneys, Liver, Lungs, Skin, Cornea and may be small infants as eating delicacy!!!!!!
Our Export Promotion Bureau will be organizing “Human Organ Trade Fairs” at potential buyers countries and run promotion campaigns on the grounds that our Kidneys and livers are best in world!! Don’t go for Indian or Chinese Kidney because ours is a Best one ! May God should show us Light……!! Silent Sufi.

as Ghalib Said " le aain gay bazaar se

Ja kar dil -o-Jaan Aur.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Wednesday, August 08, 2007


IF PPP’S CHAIR PERSON Mrs. BeNazir Bhutto’s Petition is accepted to be heard by new born supreme judiciary of Pakistan than it is certain that a verdict in favor of political parties to establish and work in side FATA jurisdictions will be given because already political – religious parties are working inside FATA , they6 had their presence since long in Madersahs & masjids of the area . JUI (F) & Jamait Islami of Qazi Hussain Ahmed have their elected members from that areas, which give these parties un due edge over other parties in political arena of Pakistan.
FATA areas have come long way from 18076 AD & 1901 when these areas and NWFP was created by than viceroy of INDIA lord Curzon , by separating than Punjab province ‘s areas adjacent to Afghanistan and baluchistan.
For readers interested in history here is short glimpse in to history of this region.
Fedrally administered Tribal areas or as we all know by FATA as its acronym, is region in Pakistan sandwiched between and around Pakistan’s North western frontier province and Afghanistan, its population is about 3,341,070 according to 2003 ,UN surveys, population density is about 115.3 Km2, area is about 27,220 Km2, these are seven area who has status of Tribal areas or (FATA), these areas are divided among 7 districts or areas called :
Six out of 7 Agencies have frontiers with Afghanistan only Orakzai-Agency has no land link with Afghanistan.Bajaur Agency
2. Mohmand Agency.
3. Khyber Agency.
4. Orakzai Agency.
5. Kurram Agency.
6. South waziristan Agency.
7. Noth waziristan Agency.
There are five Frontier regions adjacent to Tribal areas called FRs, they are Peshawar FR, Kohat Fr, FR Bannu, FR dera Ismail Khan & FR Tank. They are governed by Governer of NWFP who is nominee of Ferderal government of Pakistan.
The area remains important link between central and south Asia , any one coming to India has passed the Khyber Pass and has to deal with tribes of Khyber may it be Aryans, Huns, Greeks , Arghons, Takhans, Mughals, Abdals, Durranis, Sikhs or English !!
We will review the recent past of the Area , when English started First great game in south and central Asia due to Economic and geo political reasons, in early 19th century almost whole India was under their belt except Sindh, Baluchistan, Now NWFP belt, north west belt and Punjab was under Sikh ruler Ranjeet singh, Sindh and Baluchistan were under Kabul nominally Sindh was a free country under Meer Talpurs of Sindh and baluchistan under their Sardars.
Sindh was annexed in 1843 and Punjab in 1849 finally when they faced humiliation in First Anglo- Afghan Wars, just to ensure their constant access to Kabul and safe passages to their troops to Afghanistan and through them to Central Asia what they got was more than that as areas were rich in agricultural potential.
The wily Britain, became aware of the Tribal temperament of our now tribal belt and realizing their fierce love for independence , did very little to curb them, they just keep them under few obligations and mostly allowed them to rule them selves than a representative administration from centre, just to keep terrain leading to Kabul open., British wanted to keep that terrain open and to use tribal people as buffer against any Afghan invasion from that side.
Tribal area emerged as specially governed area with in North West Frontier Region, which was carved out of undivided colonial province of Punjab on November 9, 1901, by Lord. Curzon, the than Governor General of INDIA for administrative convenience, British decision to carve out a separate province of NWFP was based on realizations that it was difficult to exercise more rigid control administratively over that area than to other areas in INDIA. British officials guided Lord Curzon that due to distance from capital city of Punjab Lahore it is difficult to control these areas effectively . British believed that new province with its Capital in Peshawar could effectively subdue the rebellious Pashtunes through carrot & stick policy of “Gora Sahibans”.
In fact truth is that Governor General Lord Lytton (1876-80) has a dream to “March on Tashkent” and so a plan to institute a new province in frontier belt of India’s North western frontier regions of Peshawar and Baluchistan, answerable directly to central Government of India. Lord Lytton could not materialize his plans but Lord Curzon acted upon already researched and recommended plan to make a new province, Lord Curzon (1899-1905) for that purpose visited Peshawar in the spring of 1901. He held a series of meetings with local elders and leaders that culminated to make this province called NWFP, it was also decided that new province will have two categories of territories , which were to be administered separately : the settled Areas comprising the districts of Hazara , Peshawar, Kohat, Bannu and Dera Ismail Khan and the Tribal areas comprising the districts of Political agencies of Khyber( established in 1879), the Kurram (1892) and the Malakand Division (1895) which comprises the areas of Dir, Swat and Chitral, at the same time agencies of North and South Waziristan were also created.
So NWFP comprised Settled areas and Non Settled or Tribal areas with two different sets of administrations. This term was also from British legacy , they called areas Settled because of their administration ease and non settled due to their administrative difficulties, settled Areas accepted writ of government and agreed to pay taxes while non settled areas kept their honor (NANG) and refuse to pay any Taxes to government and preferred to keep their independence. The former was called (QALANG) as Syed Akbar S. Ahmed a renowned Anthropologist of INDIA says.
When British took Punjab in 1849 they have to make to devise a new set of governance in Northwestern frontier which had a predominant tribal population. The territory was initially put under direct control of Board of Administration at Lahore and raised to a Division status, under a Commissioner, in 1850. the areas specified in this arrangement were districts of Peshawar, Kohat and Hazara, each had a Deputy commissioner. Bannu and Dera Ismail khan were not in that arrangement, they were part of Leyahh Division of Punjab at that time.
Even with deputy commissioners at these districts British found it hard to contain warring pashtune tribes’ men. When NWFP as province was established in 1901, British made a two tier system of administration for the province one dealing with settled areas which were under Chief Commissioner and other for tribal areas under the Governor General through the same authority, Peshawar was natural choice for both area’s head quarter , placed directly under supervision of Foreign department of government of India. Malakand agency since placed under NWFP, remained a provincial subject while those located with the border of Afghanistan (Durand Line- 1893) become part of Indian foreign affairs and treated a central government ‘s issue.
NWFP administration was different than in rest of India, British took care not to disturb the existing tribal systems in both areas of frontier and infact did every thing to to ensure perpetuation of the highly iniquitous feudal system obtaining in the areas, for instance khans in settled areas and Maliks in tribal areas become power colonial instruments of state administration. As in the British principalities, the landed gentry in settled areas became power full instrument of revenue collection, maintenance of Law & order and spreading European traditions in few cities of new province. Urban administration was garrisoned by the Army, stationed in cantonments of few urban Centers, Apart from this a small but brutal police force was established and placed in small & scattered police stations mostly in urban areas, People in rural areas were controlled through the Jirga system under the local administration. The Khans were patronized through by the British government and Titles of Khan Bahadur, Nawab, Knight Hood and even cadre services were awarded to to them and their sons and scions to ensure their loyalties to colonial authorities.The Khans maintained liaisons with local authorities and even collected information on their behalf on important matters for government.
The Maliks were installed as the counter part of Khans in Tribal areas , they extended same services to Political agents who in turn extended government’s honors, courtesies, and favors to men and tribes of their choices. Political agent was government’s representative in areas with vast and kingly powers at his disposal, he was all power full to maintain law and order in his agency or area. Comparison to officers any where else in India.
Maliks, Tribes and individuals were even helped monetarily to keep them sincere with RAJ. they were responsible for maintaining security infra structure in their areas & helped to maintain peace in their areas.
The British administration in NWFP operated in three forms, First The Civil administration dealing with day to day administration and policy matters, maintenance of peace and general administration, took priority over other services, this was looked after initially by Chief Commissioner and later by Governor, assisted by a ladder of Civil and Military beaurocrasy.
The second in order was the Criminal affairs, initially controlled by judicial commissioner, and later on by High court and Civil courts at lower side. The Third in order was Fiscal Side which was dealt by the revenue commissioner whose collection during colonial raj was limited to income from agricultural products, excise and few other duties that also in settled areas of NWFP.
The Judicial administration devised a special rule for governing NWFP – The Frontier Crimes Regulations in 1872. The FCR was periodically revised as and when the need arose. First in 1887,than in 1901 to cope with changing requirement. It limited the powers of Judiciary and empowered Deputy Commissioner and Political agents, they also had powers to institute a Jirga, comprising a few elders nominated and presided over by DC or PA them selves to adjudicate any civil or criminal nature cases, its jurisdiction extended to Pathans and Baluchis of Settled and Tribal areas in NWFP & Baluchistan.
The nature of cases referred to Jirga mostly were of imperial concern to justify coercive exercise against a tribe or an individual who posed or was likely to pose administrative problems for state, it also served as penal code in many tribal feuds, murders, violation of tribal customs, debts, claims, matrimonial or land disputes, etc in this difficult area.
The British tried to hold effective control at that area which was corridor to Central Asia which was centre of the game for English minds, they tried to enforce control over tribal belt on the south east side of the DURAND–LINE, Thus the British created a new Military force comprising roughly one third of local tribes men with different names like Levy, Khasadars, Scouts, Militias, Rifles etc etc, Militia was Frontier constabulary later on. These forces were stationed in garrisons in and around each agency Headquarters, like garrisons were established at Shagai for Khyber agency, at Miramshah for North Waziristan, Wana for South waziristan, Malakand, Khar for Bajaur Agency, Parachinar for Kurram agency and Shabqadar for Mohmand Agency.
Mostly British Army officers from Indian Army led these forces, except the Frontier constabulary which was established later than these forces but received officers from Police as a policy, The two third men for these levies were imported from Indian regiments. Wana & Razmak were later on became regular cantonments of Indian army.
People of North west frontier regions of British India never welcomed these changes and even creation of new province of NWFP and various dissectory measures by British to make newer regions, agencies , Divisions and districts were largely un welcomed.
Hindues were an elite class in those regions, they had education, business and liaisons with authorities, they were urban elite of Frontiers they did not liked separation from Punjab , they wanted merger with it instead. Many in Hazara and Dera Ismail Khan were also against the decision. The Muslim leader ship in Frontiers were traditionally averse and against any decisions taken by British. Even today many bemoan against the British who Draw many lines on Pashtun Lands and divided them in to NWFP, Baluchistan, Tribal Agencies and above all “Durand-Line” , even today when I was writing these lines President Hamid Karazai of Afghanistan was talking against Durand Line(1893 -2007) , which is now international border between Pakistan and Afghanistan , he was telling his views to international news men that Pashtunes have never accepted this line as Dividing line among Pashtunes of both sides, they are against such boundaries!!
One the one hand he speaks against such lines and on other hand he cries on insurgency from other side of the line.



Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Hats off to Government.

· From 9th March to 20th July when final short order of larger bench of apex court under the leader ship of Justice ramday set a side a reference against defunct CJ Mr. Iftekhar Muhammed chaudhary & rooled back history to 9th March when a “Badmast” BULL called president has bullied the CJof Pakistan to put a final nail in the coffin of last straw in his way called judiciary but what went on after this is called a history.
· It is only chance in last 60 years when we can finally get rid off Army intervention in Civil affairs if our power hungry politicians are able to read this historic opportunity and can cash on popular movement which lawyers have provided with un broken agitation to them.
· It seems apex court remained divided on the issue out of 13 judges in larger bench three differed on opinion to referring authority’s powers to curb the CJ.
· Before that 03 senior most judges sat on judicial counsel’s bench and validated Presidential refrence including acting cjeif justices of Pakistan, they took oath of seat and ran cases including against their own chief.
· Only one judge Mr. Justice Falak Sher Khan remained neutral for opting out of both benches, so he is only Judge who can be called neutral.
· Cost of Presidential mis adventure is astronomical for common man who is purchasing Flour 22 Rs. A Kilo, and dying a dozen a dime on our streets, masjids and madderssahs.
· Cost of life of a Pakistani is less than a Paisa and President’s Joke with judiciary costs us about 500 million Rs that are said to be paid to Mr. Shareef ul din Peerzada has been paid in excess of 380 millions and an other one who faced media and TV channel debates with shame on his face during the trial got more than 230 millions as reports a weekly from Islamabad in its current issue.
· It is interesting to note Man who is already Advisor to Prime Minister means on Government’s pay role and enjoying all perks as Minister is again given 380 millions of Tax payer’s money before that same Minister has charged one million dollar from government in steel mills case.
· During the case of Chief Justice he spent only two hours in front of bench for his arguments in support of his clients and both times they lost!!!!!!
· People are happy that CJ is restored so am I but at what PRICE !!
· The cost is only for two main advocates but the cost of other half a dozen advocates, time and cost spent by law ministry, intelligence agencies in collecting personally humiliating materials from Judges houses, loss of property and lives during 12 May and 17July carnages and cost of Lal Mosque Drama which also went out of hands is beyond one’s comprehension.
· Whole loss may be in billions of rupees in a sensible Nation and all who staged it should have been accountable by loosing jobs and facing billions of dollars in defamation suits, Rest their remaining lives in a prison cell !!
· But we are Pakistan where rulers are never doing wrong and if they are from FORCE they are untouchables , they can kill 5 million Bengalis and rape an other 5 million girls in East Pakistan to force them to ask and gain Liberation from West Pakistan so that they should have limited area to manage but it seems they are unable to hold that limited area too and want to limit their land to one Province only.
· Politicians are not only corrupt and mean, they are parasites on this nation’s conscious, the most liberal of politicians is crying to sit in a General’s lap and wants to help him in his dying moments while he has lost credibility and respect in the eyes of nation and making round about on his all promises and principles, it’s a curse on our nation and politicians if we don’t sense Golden opportunity out of blues came to us with a single decision of supereme court.
· Mr. Nawaz Sharif & Imran Khan are too most lovable person’s in current leader ship who can sense this and want to do this once and for all to boot out intruders from our Politics but MMA & PPP have shame on them they want to play both sides of the coin and MS BHUTTO wants to throw in gutters the movement his party leaders and workers are running and facing wrath of government since last 8 years.
· It is very strange that lady is so myopic that she can not see the opportunity she has got in the working against the regime than to join it by deal through back door. She is sacrificing his whole career by supplying ventilation to a brain dead rat.
· By doing so she is forgetting this is not same Pakistan she got most popular votes, each Pakistani has traveled 8 years in evolution, this is first time I am sensing and witnessing hatred in NWFP & Punjab against rule of Army and Army’s involvement in civil business and majority of them want to get rid of them once and for all but strange is the science of BB’s politics that she can only hear what bush pushes into her !!!!!
· People of Pakistan hate American involvement in Pakistan and through them their uniformed cronies.